Digital Detox – ein Erfahrungsbericht

Digitale Medien und Geräte sind in der heutigen Zeit kaum mehr wegzudenken. Jugendliche verbingen bis zu vier Stunden pro Tag am Handy. Doch was machen solche digitalen Medien und Smartphones mit uns? Milena* und ihr Freund sind dieser Frage nachgegangen und haben zwei Wochen auf …

Canva Pro for Students

After reading what is Canva and what you can do with it. Let’s talk about what can you do more with it shall we? This post takes us on another dive, focusing more on video production – in addition to using the Pro feature on this fun platform! It does not necessarily mean that you’d…

How to start a life project… in Switzerland? Part Three

The ideas flow, the work opportunities combined with study, a path of desperation to want to do something, well I don’t know about you, but in my case there is an enormous need to work, as I once read in manifestos of great minds of sociologists and philosophers, some of them are in the Social…

Not only the “King of shots”

Cena Maridaje (Pairing dinner) When we talk about a pairing dinner… the idea of food and good wine combination comes to mind. However, the pairing dinner concept has become very wide and well known overtime. In fact, Tequila pairing is without a question one which is …

Madeira and Azores – Pearls of the Atlantic

Portugal is not only about the mainland, there are also beautiful islands with different landscapes that make each one of them unique. Portugal’s Azores and Madeira islands set in the Atlantic Ocean are one of the greenest and most magnificent places on Earth. If you …

Vegan Foodshopping – Meine liebsten Ersatzprodukte

Foodshopping – sind wir mal ehrlich, wer liebt es schon nicht? Wie bereits in meinem zweiten Beitrag angekündigt zeige ich dir heute meine aller liebsten «go-to» Favoriten unter den veganen Ersatzprodukten. Und das allerbeste dabei: sie schmecken sogar “Nicht-Veganern”. Trust me! ? Veganes Foodshopping Good …