Creating a Seamless Guest Journey: Digital Transformation and Hotel Industry

Creating a Seamless Guest Journey: Digital Transformation in the Hotel Industry

The hospitality sector is not an exception when it comes to digital transformation: since the beginning of the twenty-first century, technology has changed how we travel and stay in hotels, from reserving a room to placing food and drink orders. Guests’ expectations, commercial factors, and a worldwide pandemic are all contributing to the hospitality industry’s well-established digital transition. Therefore, hotels have embraced digital innovation to improve every element of a visitor’s stay as technology continues to advance. In this article, we explore the importance of digital transformation in achieving a seamless visitor experience ?  

? What is digital transformation? 

Digital transformation is the integration of digital technology across all functions of a company, resulting in significant changes to both the way a company operates and the value it offers to its clients. 

Companies that embark on the digital transformation journey reap measurable rewards like higher revenue and expansion possibilities. 

Recent Deloitte research found that businesses with greater levels of digital transformation maturity had 45% gain in revenue. Additionally, 41% of highly digitalized organizations highlighted a good influence on sales and marketing activities, while 29% noted a positive impact on growth and innovation. 

❓ Why digital transformation in the hotel industry? 

Simplifying the reservation process

The way travelers make hotel reservations has undergone a full revolution thanks to digitalization. The ability to easily explore available rooms, compare prices, read reviews, and make immediate reservations is now a reality thanks to hotels’ user-friendly websites and smartphone apps. Time is saved, friction is decreased, and overall visitor happiness is increased because of this simplified procedure. 

Individualized Arrival Communication: 

The opportunity for hotels to develop individualized connections with visitors even before they set foot on the site is one of the main advantages of digital transformation. Hotels may give guests important information like check-in specifics, directions, and special offers based on their preferences through automated pre-arrival emails or texts. This pro-active communication makes visitors feel appreciated and informed and creates the conditions for a simple and satisfying stay. 

Interactive In-Room Technologies

The in-room experience has undergone a full revolution thanks to digitalization, opening up new vistas of comfort and convenience. Interactive technology including voice-activated controls, digital concierge services, and in-room entertainment systems are increasingly available in hotels. To increase their involvement and general contentment, guests may simply access information, request room service, modify room settings, and take advantage of tailored entertainment. 

Engagement and Post-Stay Feedback

Hotels may now collect post-stay feedback and continue to interact with visitors thanks to digital transformation. Hotels may obtain important information about the visitor experience through online surveys, social media platforms, and email marketing. This feedback loop helps hotels to continually enhance their offerings, respond to any issues, and foster customer loyalty, ultimately improving the entire visitor experience. 

Let me also take you on a personal journey to Croatia, where I had the good fortune to stay at an accommodation where I was able to personally experience the benefits of a hotel that embraced digital innovation to provide a personalized stay when I set out on my vacation journey from Switzerland to the charming town of Trogir in Croatia. By using digital transformation strategies, the hotel was able to tailor my stay to the requirements I had indicated throughout the booking process.

⬇ Check out my last blog posts here: 

1️⃣ The role of Artificial Intelligence in the Hotel Industry 

2️⃣ Smart Hotels – The result of Smart Technology 

3️ Swisstainable : a new way of traveling in Switzerland 

4️⃣ Reshaping the hotel industry: First 3D-Printed Hotel in the World 

5️ How to choose the right hotel: tips and tricks 

6️⃣ Interview with Sarah Görlach: Insights into the Hotel Industry 

7️ Henn-Na Hotel: Where AI Meets Hotel Industry


Hollander, Jordan . “Digital Transformation in the Hotel Industry.” Hotel Tech Report, 26 Jan. 2019,
Anthony, Jay Anthony. “Rise of Digital Transformation in the Hospitality Industry.” Techved, 7 Oct. 2022,
Tas, Gizem. “Digital Transformation in Hotel Industry.”, 18 Mar. 2023,
Morch, Are . “Why Digital Transformation and Machine Learning Will Help Hotels Thrive in the Very near Future | by Are Morch.” Hospitality Net, 15 Dec. 2022,
Accenture. “Digital Transformation L Accenture.”, 2022,

Marija Djokaj

Welcome to my hotel marketing blog, where we will explore the dynamic world of digital marketing for the hospitality sector. Join me as we explore how digital marketing has the potential to revolutionize the hotel industry and how it has an impact on hotels, influencing the entire guest experience in the digital age. Learn practical travel advice for your upcoming trips to Europe, and keep up with the most recent developments in the ever-changing hotel industry. I am delighted to interact with you through my blogs, and any input you have would be very valuable. ? Thank You!

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8 thoughts on “Creating a Seamless Guest Journey: Digital Transformation in the Hotel Industry

  1. Great content! I really enjoyed reading your article. Thanks for sharing such important information!

  2. Well done, for all your effort. Sad to see this is your last blog. Hope you come back with more content.

  3. It’s quite insightful; I see digital transformation as a way to improve customer experience.

    1. Thank you for your comment! Definitively, customer experience can be really connected with digital transformation. 🙂

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