Sarah Görlach - Interview

Interview with Sarah Görlach: Insights into the Hotel Industry

“In the end, is always that your product aligning to what you are showing online,is the service promising what you paid for. Those are the key elements; it doesn’t matter which hotel you are; it has to be.”

Customer loyalty and satisfaction have taken center stage for organizations across all industries in the fast-paced digital environment of today. The interview with Sarah Görlach, an experienced Master’s student in Business Administration who is presently employed as a Reservations and Sales Agent at Giardino Hotels, will give you insightful information on important topics for the hotel industry, including client satisfaction, client loyalty, and digital transformation. Our interviewee provided insight on the importance of knowing your client, customizing your offerings to meet their needs, and utilizing digital transformation to increase client satisfaction and loyalty.

Customer loyalty, customer happiness, and digital transformation all have strong connections in the hotel industry. Our conversation with an experienced Reservations and Sales Agent revealed that knowing the client and responding to their requirements is essential for establishing loyalty. In the age of digital transformation, understanding your client, responding to their changing wants, and utilizing technology to improve the whole experience are the keys to retaining and satisfying them. By adopting digital transformation, hospitality firms can remain on top of trends, satisfy proficient technology clients’ expectations, and gather useful data to improve operations and customer satisfaction.

In the end, combining the personal touch with technological improvements produces an outstanding formula for customer satisfaction and loyalty in the always-changing hospitality business. Businesses must embrace customer-centricity, adjust to changing requirements, and take advantage of digital transformation as the hospitality sector continues to change. Hotels may prosper in the dynamic and customer-focused environment of the future by combining a thorough awareness of the client, a proactive approach to digital innovation, and a dedication to continual development.


 What is the most important thing in the hotel industry? ?

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⬇ Check out my last blog posts here :

1️⃣ The role of Artificial Intelligence in the Hotel Industry

2️⃣ Smart Hotels – The result of Smart Technology

3️ Swisstainable : a new way of traveling in Switzerland

4️⃣ Reshaping the hotel industry: First 3D-Printed Hotel in the World

5️ How to choose the right hotel: tips and tricks

Marija Djokaj

Welcome to my hotel marketing blog, where we will explore the dynamic world of digital marketing for the hospitality sector. Join me as we explore how digital marketing has the potential to revolutionize the hotel industry and how it has an impact on hotels, influencing the entire guest experience in the digital age. Learn practical travel advice for your upcoming trips to Europe, and keep up with the most recent developments in the ever-changing hotel industry. I am delighted to interact with you through my blogs, and any input you have would be very valuable. ? Thank You!

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10 thoughts on “Interview with Sarah Görlach: Insights into the Hotel Industry

  1. Thanks for the interview, Sara shared interesting insights. I think in the hotel industry it’s very important client service and meet client’s expectations.

    1. It’s really nice to hear that you liked the blog post! Definitely, I agree with it; I think it’s really important to focus on it. Stay tuned for more content coming soon! 🙂

    1. Thank you for your comment; it’s really nice to hear that you found it useful. Stay tuned for more content coming soon! 🙂

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