How to choose the right hotel?

How to choose the right hotel: tips and tricks

Finding the ideal hotel is especially difficult when planning a trip, which can be both satisfying and stressful. Your total experience may be greatly influenced by the hotel you pick. While the perfect hotel may help you feel more like a part of the community and improve your trip experience, a bad hotel might give you an unfavorable image of the location.

Visitors may feel overwhelmed by the possibilities when selecting the ideal hotel. However, being aware of these methods and ideas might help travelers minimize their sense of being overwhelmed and stressed out while they are arranging their trip. In this blog post, you can read some tips and tricks you may take into consideration for your next trip.

“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”
“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page. – St. Augustine” (Canva)
  1. Purpose of the trip

If your trip’s main goal is leisure, you should think about staying at a hotel with resort-style amenities like a spa and pool. In this situation, visitors’ hotel stays, a peaceful environment, and pleasant accommodations are all potential considerations. On the other hand, if you decide to take a longer sightseeing tour, the hotel you pick might be a better spot to rest and recharge in the evening.

  1. Location

The next thing you should think about once you’ve chosen a destination and a reason for your trip is which hotel location best matches your tastes. So it is recommended to seek hotels in remote areas if your holiday will be more relaxed and self-care-oriented. As a helpful hint, find out which neighborhood of the city you believe would be best for your future vacation before making your hotel reservation.

  1. Budget planning

We are all unique and have various perspectives on how to organize our budgets; therefore, setting a budget for a hotel is essential. As a result, although certain travelers enjoy staying in a five-star hotel, others would prefer another type of accommodation. Determining your goals and selecting a home in line with them is so essential. The bonus tip is to be aware that hotel prices vary, so you might check the prices on Trivago, Trip Advisor, and Hipmunk.

  1. Sustainability

The sustainability of a hotel is something that travelers should consider when choosing one. You may visit the hotel’s website for further information on their specific sustainable practices, which should include all relevant details. Finding a hotel that provides sustainability and eco – friendliness is a top priority for many vacationers. This not only benefits a healthy planet, but it may also result in a more genuine travel experience.

  1. Reviews

Last but definitely not least are reviews. Finding the ideal hotel for you may often be done by reading internet reviews left by other guests. Look for accommodations with a track record of satisfying ratings and comments from travelers. Consider staying at a hotel that takes the opinions of its guests seriously and reacts quickly to any issues. Therefore, before making travel plans for the future, make sure you read reviews and receive advice from prior travelers; your total vacation experience could be completely changed by it.

You may pick the ideal hotel for your trip by taking into account your travel preferences, the area, your budget, the amenities, and reading reviews. Don’t forget to reserve early to guarantee your position and have a stress-free trip.

⬇️ What are your tips and tricks when choosing a hotel? ?

Please, let me know in the comments below!


⬇ Check out my last blog posts here :

1️⃣ The role of Artificial Intelligence in the Hotel Industry

2️⃣ Smart Hotels – The result of Smart Technology

3️ Swisstainable : a new way of traveling in Switzerland

4️⃣ Reshaping the hotel industry: First 3D-Printed Hotel in the World


(2018, May 24). 6 Tips to Book the Best Hotel for You. The New York Times. Retrieved May 23, 10 C.E., from

Marija Djokaj

Welcome to my hotel marketing blog, where we will explore the dynamic world of digital marketing for the hospitality sector. Join me as we explore how digital marketing has the potential to revolutionize the hotel industry and how it has an impact on hotels, influencing the entire guest experience in the digital age. Learn practical travel advice for your upcoming trips to Europe, and keep up with the most recent developments in the ever-changing hotel industry. I am delighted to interact with you through my blogs, and any input you have would be very valuable. ? Thank You!

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14 thoughts on “How to choose the right hotel: tips and tricks

    1. I definitely chose the perfect timing for posting this blog. 😉 I hope you have a fantastic trip to Italy!

    1. Thank you for your comment, Luca. 🙂 Definitely, sustainability is a crucial topic for hotels; I hope the value will be more in focus!

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