End the Struggle and Prolong the Pain

Hello OBM! Now that data studio won’t be at the centre of your worries, I’m sure lots of you return to the more strategic aspects of your projects. It’s time to narrow the focus or to reiterate.

There are three levels of magnitude that I can see to end this project. Firstly, just get it over with and hope it will never show up in your lifetime (or next semester) again. Secondly, tweak your strategy to fix what didn’t go right so far and fill the content for a decent grade. Thirdly, you’re going for it and will continue doing what you’re doing beyond the final presentation. I have some suggestions for each of the options. Take them if you will, you can still throw them out the window if you deem them to be of little to no use.

End the Struggle

There we go. Even if you just want it over with and already know you didn’t find something that will stay, I suggest you create a plan for the second half of the semester. If you have 2 posts so far, you may want to at least triple that number and that doesn’t include any video or podcast yet. There are a few easy questions to figure out what it is you need to get there.

Where do I want to go? (Final presentation, grade)

How do I get there? (X posts, X videos, X podcasts)

What content do I fill the x’s with?

This last one is the interesting question, of course. If you have no clue yet, think about this. What you need to be doing is try things out. Just show that you at least made an attempt to get some views. This means you take what you did so far and figure out what you could have done better. Hopefully, you already know more or less after the mid-term. Then you just change the content a bit accordingly (at no extra effort) and promote the next posts just a little bit more (e.g. you put it on an additional platform). Done. If you haven’t done a podcast or video yet, it is even easier because you just have to try something. I’m happy to help you with this if you will it. You can mail me here. By the way, I will not mention what we discuss in my project at all.

Tweak it

This is a sligthly easier position to be in. It probably means you aren’t in complete despair and just need to make some adjustments. I strongly suggest to contemplate your strategy though, as the project is actually a great opportunity to learn more about the mechanics of social media by trial and error. Maybe you aren’t sure yet whether you want to continue your project or you already know you want to do something slightly different. That’s cool. My suggestion to you is simply this, stretch out your arm and become very clear where you’re headed. That could be a goal formulated both content-wise and grade-wise. Now that you got the mid-term feedback, you’re in a strong position to just move the arm by a few degrees. What didn’t work so far? Where is the sweet spot between your interests that you want to make your niche? (Or would want to make your niche if you continued the blog.) Again, I’m happy to have a chat about it and will try to help you where needed. Mail me here.

Prolong the Pain

Now, lets deal with the inspired people. So, you think you’re doing something cool, don’t you? Well, that’s amazing! Keep doing what you’re doing. Use the mid-term as a means to make a minor adjustment to your course of action, though. Let me share what it did for me. I knew I wanted to make some changes to my content. Having tried lots of things, I feel it’s time to produce consistent content. Having to do the mid-term presentation made me have a think and it actually didn’t take long to come up with a consistent content plan that allows me to (force myself to) do the networking I need to be doing anyway for my plans. So, just in case you missed that opportunity, I encourage you to have a think anyway. If you would like somebody to run your ideas against or to exchange ideas, please don’t hesitate to mail me here.

Finally, I have a minor announcement to make. The ones who saw my mid-term presentation may already have heard about it – depending on whether you were actually listening to me. I will organise an event around the end of the semester for those who want to continue their project (or who want to build / develop / re-vitalise an existing one). It will be something in the direction of group supervision, where we can get a lot of feedback in a short period of time for everybody – much like we did on the last day in Quarten. If you already know you’re interested and don’t mind buying a free ticket before you know exactly what is going to be happening, mail me here. I will figure out the details in due course and make a louder announcement soon. So long, fellow OBMer.


Source header image: http://6iee.com/388961.html

Luca Kramis

I'm an aspiring coach who is passionate about writing and developing ideas. I will help you create your story. You can find some of my poetry on kpoetry.com.

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