It’s a banner manner | YouTube Channel Art

Visual content plays an important role in the marketing field. As we focus on generating eye-catching user content, the details that makes it all as a whole, are not meant to be forgotten. In this post, we will talk about YouTube Channel Art. What is it? Otherwise known as a YouTube Banner, this is the…

How to successfully manage remote teams

Right now, working from home has become more than a trend. It’s now a necessity for companies all across the globe. As a result, there are thousands of team leaders and managers who find themselves suddenly managing a completely remote team. As much as remote …

HELLWACH – Vlog von Lora’s Zeichnungskünste

Wenn sie dich erwischt, träumst du luzide. Es knallt, wenn ihr Acryl die Leinwand berührt. Sei glücklich, wenn ihr Lichtimpuls dich durch das Mohnfeld treibt. Dich wachzurütteln, ist ihr Schicksal.  Bis vor 1 Jahr noch völlig ohne Perspektiven, kann sie mittlerweile niemanden mehr ins Gesicht …

You won’t know if you don’t try – Canva.

“Design is thinking made visual.” – Saul Bass Whilst you’re sipping on your cup of tea or coffee, do check out my previous post about Canva Pro for Students before proceeding to the rest of this post! 🙂 Example Ad 1 [embed][/embed] Example Ad 2 [embed][/embed] I thought of coming up with an ad-like video to…

Plauderstube mit Celine Steiner

Celine, 31 Jahre alt und aus Luzern, spricht mit uns heute darüber, wie sie vor Kurzem noch sehr unordentlich war und heute ein Ordnungscoach ist. Jetzt bist du dran: Viele kennen Unordnung. Leidest auch du darunter? Teile mit uns deine Erfahrung! Die Kommentarspalte ist deine! …

A spirit’s night to remember

Hola and welcome to the last post on “The Drink Of The Gods” story. I had a lot of fun writing about Tequila and giving you a taste of what my country has to offer! Thank you all for reading along and I hope you enjoyed …

Top 4 Gadgets You Need to Document Your Travel

Ever wondered how people get amazing photos and videos of themselves and their surroundings while on holiday? Well instead of just wondering, now you can create them too! Well instead of just wondering, now you can create them too! My video explains the top 4 …