Web 3.0

Did you know that 4.66billion of the worldwide population are active internet users? And they are using Web 2.0? Welcome to my 2nd video blog. This video will discuss web 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0. We will also take a look at 5 of the elements …

Deine perfekte Morgenroutine

Viele Menschen kommen am Morgen schlecht aus dem Bett, starten dann völlig gestresst ihren Tag und haben von Anfang an gar keine Energie. Eine Morgenroutine kann helfen, dieses Problem zu beheben. Ich möchte Dir zeigen, warum eine Morgenroutine wichtig ist und wie Du ganz einfach …

Wie schmeckt glutenfreies Essen?

Gluten vs. Glutenfrei – merkt man den Unterschied? Vor vier Jahren wurde ich mit Zöliakie diagnostiziert und seither esse ich glutenfrei. Oft werde ich gefragt, ob das glutenfreie Essen anders schmeckt. Meiner Meinung nach ist das von Produkt zu Produkt unterschiedlich. Aber vielleicht ist es …

Canva – The key to unlocking your designer needs.

For those of you creative (or self proclaimed not-so-creative) fellas out there, I hope you’ve heard of the platform Canva. If not, you’re in for a very juicy treat along this blog post! Before I move on, do check out my previous posts regarding Podcasting and Clubhouse. I’ve been a user of this platform since…

Nutrition in Homeoffice – Inputs from an Expert

As promised in the last blog post, we move on from mental health and focus on physical health in this article. This week’s first post is about nutrition in home office. Nutritionist Manuela Best gives us an overview of the physical and nutritional aspects you should pay attention to in your home office and how…

Instagram Manager Insights – Bio

How to create a great bio? It seems like a very small topic, but good bio + IG grid = the first impression on Instagram. Considering current competition and speed with which average user scrolling though profiles – good bio can make quite a difference. …

Let’s Get Serious: Why do we need SEO?

It can take a long time for Search Engine Optimization to produce some sort of useful results. Even though you can’t force Google to rate your website high, there are some very quick things you can do to improve SEO to your website. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJh090XjMf4&feature=youtu.be Search …