Why is communication important when managing remote teams?

If you were reading/watching my previous posts, you sure noticed that I always mention communication when talking about remote work. For today’s video, I am explaining why is communication important when managing remote teams. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gn3Tb_TDcvo Resources: Managing remote teams 7 Tips for better communication with …

Key considerations for your next marketing strategy

?Get your headphones ready for the last ride! 🙂 [audio m4a="https://blog.hslu.ch/majorobm/files/2021/06/Final-Post-mosw.m4a"][/audio] Podcasting Channels ? The Navigator Podcast (GERMAN) ? pending ? pending Audio-based App 1. Clubhouse Previously, I introduced the app briefly and demonstrated a guide on how it functions. You can find it here if you’re interested to check it out! 🙂 Do click…

It’s a banner manner | YouTube Channel Art

Visual content plays an important role in the marketing field. As we focus on generating eye-catching user content, the details that makes it all as a whole, are not meant to be forgotten. In this post, we will talk about YouTube Channel Art. What is it? Otherwise known as a YouTube Banner, this is the…

How to successfully manage remote teams

Right now, working from home has become more than a trend. It’s now a necessity for companies all across the globe. As a result, there are thousands of team leaders and managers who find themselves suddenly managing a completely remote team. As much as remote …

HELLWACH – Vlog von Lora’s ZeichnungskĂĽnste

Wenn sie dich erwischt, träumst du luzide. Es knallt, wenn ihr Acryl die Leinwand berĂĽhrt. Sei glĂĽcklich, wenn ihr Lichtimpuls dich durch das Mohnfeld treibt. Dich wachzurĂĽtteln, ist ihr Schicksal.  Bis vor 1 Jahr noch völlig ohne Perspektiven, kann sie mittlerweile niemanden mehr ins Gesicht …

Aquarell Wandfarbe – Entdecke die KĂĽnstlerin in dir!

Kommen wir nun also zu meinem momentanen Favoriten unter den vielfältigen Möglichkeiten des Wändestreichens: der Aquarell Wandfarbe! Diese Streichtechnik steht bei mir schon länger auf der Liste und ich möchte sie unbedingt bei der nächsten passenden Gelegenheit umsetzen. Ich habe mich bereits gut darĂĽber informiert, …

You won’t know if you don’t try – Canva.

“Design is thinking made visual.” – Saul Bass Whilst you’re sipping on your cup of tea or coffee, do check out my previous post about Canva Pro for Students before proceeding to the rest of this post! 🙂 Example Ad 1 [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGXSeLm3Lpc[/embed] Example Ad 2 [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLJ2NcuMID8[/embed] I thought of coming up with an ad-like video to…

5 Practical tips to conduct interviews for remote jobs

Since COVID-19 is forcing people to work from home, there are numerous changes that both the company and employees have to experience. Including remote interviews. For a company, the interviews are as important as they are for the employees. So, you both need to “convince” …