Entdecke dein Optimierungspotenzial & 10 Key Learnings

Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, WAS FÜR EINE REISE! Über 10 Blogposts und 2.5 Monate hinweg habt ihr mich auf diesem Weg begleitet. Hierfür möchte ich mich herzlichst bedanken! Während dieser Reise konntet ihr euer Verständnis für Nachhaltigkeit sowie deren Dringlichkeit vertiefen und habt nun das …

Sustainable Fashion

Fashion is more than clothing it is a lifestyle for some, exclusively me, as an author of this blog. Although, clothing assists with expression of personality and individuality; means of social communication; cultural meaning; economic status and of course enhancement of the person. Upon a …

Startups are betting on SUSTAINABILITY

Startups are betting on SUSTAINABILITY Environmental care and protection have become an opportunity for entrepreneurs. This market niche is growing fast, as well as the interest of many startups to create products or services that are focused on consumers and planet needs. The implementation of …

What can we learn from the most Eco-Friendly Countries?

The world is making progress toward becoming green, especially to maintain the balance between the environment and its economy. It may encourage local companies to join the trend, change their business, and operate in a more environmentally friendly manner. Similarly, citizens will be encouraged by …

Nachhaltig kochen – mein Lieblingsrezept

Hallo liebe Leserinnen und Leser, Ihr als Community habt entschieden. Nach der Umfrage auf Instagram, welche mit 6 zu 3 Stimmen für mein Lieblingsrezept endete, will ich euch nicht länger auf die Folter spannen. Wie das Titelbild schon erahnen lässt, hat das Gericht seinen Ursprung …

Interview with Fashion Revolution Switzerland

In an interview with Susanne Rudolf, a member of the secretariat of Fashion Revolution Switzerland, I had the opportunity to obtain an expert opinion on sustainability in the fashion industry. Find out in the interview below what she says about the potential of second-hand fashion …