The impact of COVID-19 to the fashion industry

The biggest shifts in fashion have historically not come from runway trends but followed events such as wars that disrupt society on a huge scale, states a journalist Kimberly Chrisman-Campbell. Being a fashion historian and an author of a book on fashion’s role and personalities from …

Minimalism interior tips for less space

      I have always been a fan of the minimalistic Scandinavian interior design. The cleanness and simplicity really fascinate me, and, in my opinion, it never goes out of style. Especially your apartment can easily look cramped with furniture if you do not …

How ‘Green Technology’ can help reduce our carbon impact

While the thought of future technological possibilities is interesting and all, however, it is more important than ever to also consider the impact on the environment. Luckily, there are now a whole lot of amazing technology creations, which help with environmentally friendly impacts. It means …

3 Tipps, wie du von deinem Alltag abschalten kannst

Das Handy klingelt, E-Mails von der Schule oder dem Job treffen ein und Erinnerungen auf dem Handy leuchten auf – und das noch an einem freien Tag. Wie oft hast du dir schon einen Tag frei genommen und dann doch x-Sachen erledigt? In meinem heutigen …