CBD Products & Online Marketing

Welcome to the last post of my awareness campaign! In my previous posts I focused on presenting information about CBD, such as the differences between CBD and THC, CBD products, benefits and side effects of CBD, and CBD for pets. In this last post I …

Why is communication important when managing remote teams?

If you were reading/watching my previous posts, you sure noticed that I always mention communication when talking about remote work. For today’s video, I am explaining why is communication important when managing remote teams. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gn3Tb_TDcvo Resources: Managing remote teams 7 Tips for better communication with …

How to successfully manage remote teams

Right now, working from home has become more than a trend. It’s now a necessity for companies all across the globe. As a result, there are thousands of team leaders and managers who find themselves suddenly managing a completely remote team. As much as remote …

How Hoteliers Turn Crisis Into Opportunity

Hello dear readers, we are slowly getting closer to the end of the blogpost series about the hospitality industry. In today’s post, you will learn about the ways how hospitality and tourism-related companies deal with the current challenging situation with success. One of the biggest …

Sponsoring Recap – klassisch, digital, was?

In meinen letzten Beiträgen habe ich viel über Sponsoring, Logos, Storytelling und digitale Transformation gesprochen. Hier ein kurzes Video, welches alles kurz und grob zusammenfasst. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ng6t6lcz7-4 Genauere Ausführungen findet ihr in meinen bisherigen Posts Digitale Transformation im Sponsoring, Insights zur Swisscom Fan-Screen Aktivierung, Swisscom Fan-Screen …

How to measure employee productivity

For my last post, I have been talking about 5 Important aspects business owners should consider when switching to home office. Once your employees start working from home, you might start thinking about how to measure their productivity. In this video, you will find 4 …