Where to buy second-hand fashion?

This blog post lists a selection of second-hand shops in Switzerland. The Corona lockdown should not stop you from buying second-hand fashion. Therefore, the list below also includes some great online shops.

Photo by Luis Montejo on Unsplash

Last week I wrote about second-hand fashion, my favorite way of sustainable shopping. I hope I could convince you a little bit how great second-hand fashion is. If you haven’t seen my video about the five reasons why you should buy second-hand fashion, check out my blog post from last week here. As some of you have asked for recommendations of second-hand shops in Switzerland in the comments section of last week’s article, this post is all about second-hand shopping. I put together a list of great second-hand shops in different cities in Switzerland. Since all shops are currently closed due to the Corona lockdown and my blog is about sustainable online business in the fashion industry, I also included some online options. So here is my list of online and offline shops for second-hand fashion.

Marta Flohmarkt
Marta Flohmarkt is a second-hand shop with an innovative business model. Everyone who wants to sell his or her (old) clothes can rent a shelf at Marta and sell his clothes there. You will find Marta’s shops in Lucerne and Zurich.

The New New
The New New is a second-hand shop in Zurich, where you can find a large selection of designer pieces, fast fashion clothes, and cute furnishings. By the way, they have not only women’s fashion but also something for men and children in their assortment. Check out their Instagram account to see what stylish pieces they have on sale.

At Fizzen you can buy not only new clothes, accessories and gifts, but also great second-hand fashion. The vintage clothes and accessories at Fizzen are often unique and are cleaned, washed, and upcycled in collaboration with Fachstelle Arbeitsintegration Region Bern, Farb AG. Fizzen operates shops in Basel, Bern, Lucerne, St. Gallen and Zurich.

If you love designer pieces by Gucci or Chanel, you will certainly find some gems at Reawake. The product range includes high-quality pieces as well as vintage clothing and current collections. Especially remarkable is the vast selection of vintage clothing by Chanel. The pieces can also be ordered from home through the online shop.

Here you will find second-hand fashion from well-known designer brands as well as fast fashion collections. THE SECONDHAND is located in the trendy Bruchquartier in Lucerne. They recently started selling the pieces also online.

This is probably my favorite! Vinokilo is a German start-up company that sells second-hand clothes. The price is calculated by weight, and everything costs about 24 Euros on average. They sell selected vintage pieces that are collected from clothing waste containers.

Kleiderberg is an online platform where you can buy second-hand fashion at fair prices from the comfort of your own home. In the nicely designed online shop, you will find a mixed assortment of designer pieces and fast fashion collections.

The founder and owner of the online shop Carlette.ch sells great second-hand fashion and some selected new pieces from her favorite fashion brands. Carlette is based in Switzerland but also delivers to neighboring countries such as Germany and Austria. Get inspired by her Instagram account.

Ponyhof Vintage
Ponyhof Vintage not only sells second-hand fashion, but also customizes and modernizes it. So it’s more of an upcycling project managed by two Swiss women.

Do you know other great online or offline second-hand shops? What are your experiences with second-hand shopping? I would love to hear about it in the comments section below.


Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash


Working student, MSc in Online Business and Marketing. Curious about sustainable business models in the fashion industry.

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12 thoughts on “Where to buy second-hand fashion?

  1. Geil, geil, geil!! Genau auf diesen Post habe ich gewartet! Sobald sich mein Cashflow etwas verbessert hat, freue ich mich all diese tollen Stores zu entdecken (Fizzen ist schon seit Ewigkeiten in meiner Favoritenliste). ?

    1. Hey Olivier, danke für Deinen Kommentar! Ich freue mich, dass dir mein Post gefällt! Und Fizzen ist und bleibt auch einer meiner Favoriten! 😉

  2. Hello Anja, thanks! This s the blog post I was looking for! I can’t wait to visit these second-hand shops, both online and offline. Thanks for the recommendation, you’re a real local guide 🙂

  3. OMG Anja thanks for this post! I’m always looking for new places for vintage shopping, and now with your post I discovered shops I didn’t know about!!! If I spend too much money it’ll be your fault 😉

  4. Hey Anja, so great that you made the effort to sum up all these cool stores in Switzerland and surrounding. I will definitely browse through the online shops you mentioned above. Hopefully we can soon visit some of the stores located in Lucerne all together :).

  5. It was such an interesting article! I actually took notes of this list 🙂 I only knew a few of them so I will try to check out those stores to buy some summer clothes! My policy is “First hand is my second hand” 😉

  6. Hi Anja,
    Thanks for interesting article and your for sharing your knowledge and thoughts around Sustainability.
    If you interested in writing about Pre-loved fashion for Babies, Kids & Teens. I am the owner of reLoveMe and we would be happy to present our business.


    Wish you a great evening,
    All the best,

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