Keep the mountains clean – hiking with benefits

The very nature of hiking makes it a very ecological-friendly activity already. You just need to have proper equipment, choose a trail and move forward. Hiking teaches us to live on less, make do with whatever we packed, appreciate water and natural resources around. But …

Zero Waste Starter Kit für unterwegs

Hallo liebe Leserinnen und Leser, kennt ihr diese Situation, jedes Mal wenn ihr bspw. in der Mittagspause euch etwas beim Take-Away oder im Supermarkt zu essen holt und am Schluss immer eine Unmenge an Müll übrig bleibt?! Das muss nicht sein! Mit der richtigen Vorbereitung …

Where to buy second-hand fashion?

This blog post lists a selection of second-hand shops in Switzerland. The Corona lockdown should not stop you from buying second-hand fashion. Therefore, the list below also includes some great online shops. Last week I wrote about second-hand fashion, my favorite way of sustainable shopping. …

10 Tipps für mehr Nachhaltigkeit im Haushalt – Teil 2

Hallo liebe Leserinnen und Leser, wie bereits in meinem letzten Blogpost befinden wir uns immer noch in unserer Wohnung. Heute liegt allerdings der Fokus auf der Reduktion von Abfall und Plastikmüll im Haushalt – umgangssprachlich auch als Zero Waste bekannt. Falls ihr euch fragt, weshalb …

Second-hand fashion is a growing trend

The sale of second-hand fashion is an emerging business. It is also a sustainable way to buy clothes, as it helps to reduce pollution by giving clothes a second life instead of dumping them in a landfill. Hey and welcome back to my blog! For …

Get your clothes recycled!

By donating clothes to recycling projects, textile waste can be reduced to protect the planet. Innovative projects are running to support both business and the environment. In my last blog post, I wrote about sustainable fashion brands. Many of them use creative techniques to contribute …