10 Gadgets for the Homeoffice: some indispensable some nice-to-have

You have already seen the advantages and disadvantages of working from home in the previous blog post. However, in order to work efficiently, remain in good health, and have a comfortable environment, some equipment is needed. And that’s exactly what we’re focusing on in this blog post: five essential items and five extra convenient features that will simplify your workday. Those together are the ten gadgets presented in the video. 


The five indispensable gadgets:

1. Laptop or computer with camera

Well it is apparent, but to be able to work, you need a laptop or a computer for almost every job nowadays. The camera simplifies the exchange in meetings and a more personal atmosphere can be created. In addition, reactions and emotions of participants can be seen and reacted to. 

2. Stable and high-speed internet

In order to hold meetings without disturbances and hear and see your colleagues properly a steady and good internet connection is a must! A slow internet connection resulting in long loading times is a trigger factor for many people to get enervated, angry and frustrated and also builds up stress. Save yourself from that and subscribe to a fast internet service with your local provider.  

3. Headset / Headphones

Another element that facilitates online meetings are headphones or a headset. Background noise is somewhat minimized and the exchange over the headphones is cleaner than with the speaker. Additionally, the people surrounding you do not have to listen to your conversations. If you don’t use a headset but headphones, make sure that a microphone is included.

4. Mouse

The mouse allows you to navigate back and forth easily and rapidly and lets you work efficiently.

5. Good room atmosphere 

To ensure undisturbed work, it is best to set up a fixed workstation in a quiet room at home (if possible). The atmosphere and also the furnishings, for example pictures and plants, can have a positive impact on your work. Plants are not only beautiful to look at, but also good for your health: they clean the air in the room by removing harmful substances from the air.


The five nice-to-have gadgets:

1. Office-like equipment

Links to equipment:

2. Desk fan

Summer is approaching and before we realise it we struggle with 30 degrees and more. Everyone can certainly use a fresh breeze and a cool head in the home office. The following fans provide refreshment: The best desk fans by the Strategist.

3. Noise cancelling headphones for distraction-free work

If you are not the only one at home during work and family, friends, pets or children are around you need tranquility for concentration. Headphones with noise canceling technology can assist you in this! Find the best noise cancelling headphones directly in this article.

You can read more about the pros and cons of noise cancelling headphones in the The New York Times.

4. Height adjustable laptop table or laptop table for bed and sofa

If you don’t always want to sit at the same place, but also like to work on the sofa or on the bed, you might want to buy a laptop stand. This way, you don’t have to balance the work device in your lap and you can use your mouse properly. There is also the option of a standing device so at times you can work standing up and do something good for your health. If you are health conscious, don’t miss the next item!

5. For more activity: Smartwatch and mini exercise bike

Home office usually involves a lot of sitting. To get sufficient physical activity, there are several options. Get moving during breaks, phone calls or after work and integrate regular exercise into your work week. A smartwatch can track your achievements and also remind you when it’s time to move more. To reduce training hours after work, you can easily cycle under the desk with a mini exercise bike while working. 


In the next blog posts, we will delve deeper into the topic of fitness and home office. Until then!


Hi! Ich studiere Online Business und Marketing und interessiere mich für Change Management und Verhaltensökonomie. Eine Komponente, welche unser Leben im letzten Jahr massgeblich verändert hat ist die Corona-Pandemie. Ich möchte deren Auswirkungen auf Organisationsstrukturen, psychologische Effekte des Arbeitens und Wohnens am selben Ort teilen und wie du deinen Corona-Arbeitstag einfacher gestalten kannst. Viel Spass beim Lesen! ***** Hi, I'm studying online business and marketing and have an interest in change management and behavioural economics. A component that has significantly changed our lives in the last year is the Corona pandemic. I would like to share its impact on organisational structures, psychological effects of working and living in the same place, and how you can make your Corona workday easier. Enjoy the read!

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14 thoughts on “10 Gadgets for the Homeoffice: some indispensable some nice-to-have

  1. Nice video Tanja! Very relevant topic in our times. I can imagine how comfortable it could be to have them all at home… You made me realise I do need an adjustable laptop table or laptop table for the bed or sofa! It is impossible to be sitting at the desk for long hours…

  2. Great article Tanja! Especially the tip about the smartwatch. I have one and it is really helpful to be reminded to move more.

    1. I am very glad that to hear that you already make use of one gadget! Thank you for sharing your experience, Sina 🙂

  3. Very insightful article Tanja! Never thought about a Desk Fan before. Thank you for sharing :)!

    1. Who doesn’t enjoy a cold breeze on a hot summer day 😉 I recommend to get one before it gets warm and they are sold out!

  4. Hello Tanja, Thanks for sharing! Nice to know where I can get a replacement for my headphones! 🙂

  5. Nice tipps for “our new normal” working environment. I will definitely invest into a fan… when summer comes hopefully soon!

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