Nutrition in Homeoffice – Inputs from an Expert

As promised in the last blog post, we move on from mental health and focus on physical health in this article. This week’s first post is about nutrition in home office. Nutritionist Manuela Best gives us an overview of the physical and nutritional aspects you should pay attention to in your home office and how…

10 Gadgets for the Homeoffice: some indispensable some nice-to-have

You have already seen the advantages and disadvantages of working from home in the previous blog post. However, in order to work efficiently, remain in good health, and have a comfortable environment, some equipment is needed. And that’s exactly what we’re focusing on in this blog post: five essential items and five extra convenient features…

«Alles Schlechte hat etwas Gutes!» – auch zu Zeiten von Covid-19?

Ein Zitat von Jon Cohens, welches zum Thema dieses Blogposts kaum zutreffender sein könnte. Die Covid-19 Pandemie erreichte im Februar 2020 die Schweiz (Bundesamt für Gesundheit, 2020), seither hat sich unser Leben massgeblich verändert: soziale Kontakte sind eingeschränkt, Reisen verboten, Veranstaltungen abgesagt, Läden mussten schliessen und es gilt eine Homeoffice Pflicht. Was ist nun das…

Marketing and Strategies in Times of Coronavirus

Campaigns had to be reinvented, but certain trends have been repeated recurrently in creativity. The pandemic and quarantine we have faced recently led brands to change their marketing and advertising strategies. Companies around the world were forced to react to this situation and redefine their …

Eierläset @home: meine Tipps für dich zum Nachmachen!

Normalerweise findet das Eierlesen eine Woche nach Ostern statt, aufgrund des COVID-19 Virus ist die Durchführung jedoch abgesagt worden. Damit wir diese jährliche Tradition in unseren Köpfen behalten, kannst du bei dir zu Hause dein eigenes Eierläset @home veranstalten – ganz nach deinem Geschmack.  Nachfolgend …

Blockchain in Online Education

Hi, here you are, again connected to the Blockchain news channel. Have you already had enough of isolation? Are you looking for hugs? Hugs are normally free of charge but in time of coronavirus pandemic they are scarce resources. Don’t want to scare you but …