A Trip to Milan, Italy from Switzerland

“As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, a life well spent brings happy death”- Leonardo da Vinci. My last moment to escape to the fashion capital of the world was 4 hrs, 5 CHF and a border away from Switzerland. I was about to step …

7 Things to Keep in Your Backpack

Citytrip Backpack Contents I’m sure you have all experienced the problem of not knowing what to pack into your bag during a city trip. On one hand you think that you better take everything in case you might need it. On the other you do …

How to use Tripadvisor

In my experience, people either love or hate tripadvisor. I believe that it can be quite a useful tool in planning your perfect weekend-trip or beach vacation, but you need to be aware of certain things. Let me tell you a story When I planned …

Google Flights – I choose you

Follow my blog with Bloglovin I’ve mentioned this before, but if it was up to me, I’d be constantly travelling. While other people my age might be doing something productive on their spare time, I sit in front of my computer and look for flight …

Why is travelling a science?

Have you ever wondered, why travelling is something almost everyone loves? And still, it is a unique experience for anyone. I believe that when you travel, you do not just discover a foreign place, but also yourself. I have discovered my passion for structuring and …