The Queen of the Mountains

The queen of the mountains – you may have read these words in brochures or advertisements for Swiss tourism. Yet, do you know where the “queen”  is? Let me give you a little hint below: Enjoy breathtaking views sweeping over the Swiss Plateau, the alps …

4 Gründe, warum du Breakdance machen solltest

(For english version see below) Durch meine vier letzten Posts konntest du dir dein (vielleicht) erstes Wissen über Breakdance aneignen. Daher will ich dir heute aufzeigen, wieso Breakdance für dich das Richtige ist. Nachfolgend zeige ich dir meine 4 Highlights auf, welche dir demonstrieren, wieso …

Exploring Switzerland – WOW Museum

Hi everyone! Today I want to show you the WOW Museum Zurich that I have visited recently. It was a great experience, I had lots of fun and would definitely recommend you to visit this museum.   WOW Museum in Zurich, Switzerland. An absolute …

Amazon FBA: How to Find a Supplier?

In this post I want to talk about a simple and easy method for beginners on how to find wholesale suppliers for Amazon FBA. Sourcing products for FBA is a hard task, especially for newbies. At the beginning, you will be faced with lots of …

? Options against food waste **PART 1**

Welcome to the first part of the list of game-changing options for food shopping in Switzerland. The common denominator of all these alternatives is defying the status quo and trying to change our habits to fight food waste, which is more than just throwing food away. Food waste has a lot to do with the…

Idyllic Side Valleys

Let me begin with a quick overview of what we have seen in the past couple of weeks: Imprint Inspiration #1: Starting up North at 66.6° – here Imprint Inspiration #2: The most famous mountain hut in the world – here Imprint Inspiration #3: Idyllic …