Nachhaltige Brillen aus besonderen Materialien

Weisst du, was Vinyl-Schallplatten und Skateboards gemeinsam haben? Aus beiden werden Brillenfassungen produziert. Die klassischen Materialien und Produktionsmethoden von Brillenfassungen sind nicht besonders umweltfreundlich, was die Brillenindustrie in den letzten Jahren gezwungen hat, der ökologischen Nachhaltigkeit mehr Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken.  In diesem Post stelle ich …

Options against food waste ? **PART 2**

Are you prepared to discover more about alternative opportunities for food shopping in Switzerland? As promised, here are more options that allow you to be greener and save a bit of money ? Secend     It is an online shop that helps you save food directly to your home at reduced prices. There are…

Kann man mit Schweizer Holz bauen?

Im letzten Post haben wir gelernt, dass einer der vielen Arbeiten der Forstleute in der Schweiz die Holzerei ist. Nun möchte ich heute der Frage nachgehen, was mit dem Holz passiert, nachdem es zur Abholung bereit gestellt wurde und werde dir unter anderem zwei Bauprojekte …

? Options against food waste **PART 1**

Welcome to the first part of the list of game-changing options for food shopping in Switzerland. The common denominator of all these alternatives is defying the status quo and trying to change our habits to fight food waste, which is more than just throwing food away. Food waste has a lot to do with the…

Eco-tourism: first things first!

Many people do eco-tourism because they just like it – like me! But I also think it’s important to write about the importance of ecotourism, how the environment and the local communities benefit from it. In theory, the main idea behind ecotourism is to improve …

Better saved than wasted ?

Have you ever thought that sometimes the most obvious solution is the most expensive? In Switzerland the most accessible shops are often the most expensive and when it comes to saving money, small changes definitely make a difference.  But what if I told you that you can also help the environment by buying food? Want…