Minimalism interior tips for less space

      I have always been a fan of the minimalistic Scandinavian interior design. The cleanness and simplicity really fascinate me, and, in my opinion, it never goes out of style. Especially your apartment can easily look cramped with furniture if you do not …

How ‘Green Technology’ can help reduce our carbon impact

While the thought of future technological possibilities is interesting and all, however, it is more important than ever to also consider the impact on the environment. Luckily, there are now a whole lot of amazing technology creations, which help with environmentally friendly impacts. It means …

How to sell your clothes online – Part II

Reselling unused clothes is a good way to reduce textile waste. Nowadays, you can do this easily online and from the comfort of your own home. Find out what is important when selling used clothing online. Do you have clothes that you no longer need …

Grillen und Mehlwürmer auf dem Teller

Als ich meine Blogreihe als Trend-Testerin begonnen habe, habe ich meine Leserinnen und Leser nach Ideen für Trend-Tests gefragt. Sabrina hat vorgeschlagen, dass ich Insektenessen testen soll. Grillen und Tenebrios, it is! Eine echte mentale Challenge. Wie es mir dabei erging, erfahrt ihr in meinem …

COVID-19 – Rettung für die Umwelt?

Hallo liebe Leserinnen und Leser, Seit nun Ende Februar hat das Corona Virus Europa aber auch den Rest der Welt fest im Griff. Auf einmal ging alles ganz schnell – ein Land nach dem anderen rief den Notstand aus, Ausgangssperren wurden verhängt. Dies stellt die …

The Future of Food – Innovation and New Technologies

Keywords such as “innovation” and “digitization” combined with the term “new technologies” have been a constant for my eyes and ears for the last couple of years, and are so common in the professional world that I can’t help but roll my eyes whenever I …

How to sell your clothes online – Part I

There are many platforms to sell your clothes online. Find out how it works and which platform suits you best. Last week’s blog post was about selling clothes at a flea market or in second-hand shops. Maybe you wondered if this is also possible online? …