The Dos and Don’ts of LGBT Marketing

Establishing LGBT diversity in advertisement not only helps your business create a deeper connection to its customer base but it also reaffirms the LGBT community’s sense of having a place in society and being “seen”. Before you get started with your inclusive ad campaign, though, …

TikTok – Ein erster Überblick

Mein Name ist Andrea Della Zoppa, ich bin 23 Jahre alt und damit aufgewachsen in einer Generation, die von klein an von Handys und später Smartphones umgeben war – ein richtiger Digital Native also. Ob das der Grund ist, weshalb ich mich gerne mit den …

CRM zum Miterleben

Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, Herzlich willkommen auf meinem Blog zum Thema Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Und noch ein weiterer Blog? BMW bloggt, Coca Cola bloggt, die HSLU bloggt. Blogs haben unlängst ihr Nischendasein verloren und es entstehen jeden Tag tausende neuer Blogs im Netz. Darum …

4 Reasons Why Your Business Needs LGBT-Marketing

With trust in large corporations, the government and the press fading, consumers are increasingly looking to brands to take a progressive stand on the issues they care about. Millennials, in particular, want to put their money where their mouth is and deal with companies that …

Blockchain technology against unethical marketing practices

Hi there! Welcome to the uncharted territory of blockchain technology and ethical marketing in their well-balanced co-existence. This blog opens my blockchain-flagged “anti-marketing” campaign. You may ask: what is this all about? “Anti-marketing” campaign in the OBM blog? Why? You are right: it sounds strange, to …