6 Digital Marketing Trends….You need to know

Marketing is in permanent innovation, the trends that exist to meet consumers’ demands are huge. In this blog, I will mention 6 digital marketing trends that we cannot ignore. 1. Artificial Intelligence  AI is changing the way we perceive opportunities in the digital world. According …

How Subaru Paved the Way for Automotive LGBT Marketing

Let’s take a trip back to the 1990s. Rachel and Ross, Britney and Justin, MTV, Sony Discmans, Slime, Tamagotchis, Yo-Yos, VHS tapes, … It was a fun decade. One brand wasn’t having a great decade, though. Subaru’s sales were in steep decline. Although the small …

Find the Perfect Job Candidates With LinkedIn

Hiring the right employee is not always easy and it’s oftentimes time consuming. Also, when you have a small business, it can be difficult to attract talents as you don’t have a huge exposure and therefore people may simply not know about your company. And …

10 Steps to LGBT-Inclusify Your Business

In a previous post, I’ve told you all about Rainbow-Washing, and why you’ll want to avoid painting your business in rainbow colors if there’s nothing to back up your claim of inclusiveness. However, making your business LGBT-inclusive isn’t easy and certainly doesn’t happen overnight. If …

Marketing and Strategies in Times of Coronavirus

Campaigns had to be reinvented, but certain trends have been repeated recurrently in creativity. The pandemic and quarantine we have faced recently led brands to change their marketing and advertising strategies. Companies around the world were forced to react to this situation and redefine their …