Get Inspired: 4 Graphic Design Trends in 2021

Before we learn the lessons about creating a logo and developing a website, it is vital to understand which graphic design you will implement across all platforms and marketing materials such as social media channels, a company presentation, a business card, etc. Let’s have a …

Let’s Get Serious: Why do we need SEO?

It can take a long time for Search Engine Optimization to produce some sort of useful results. Even though you can’t force Google to rate your website high, there are some very quick things you can do to improve SEO to your website. Search …

Ultimate Guide to Colour: from A to Z

Colour is the core of all marketing materials you create in your brand. Starting from the post on social media, company presentation, website, logotype, it is crucial to understand how to find the colour that will look consistent and be in harmony with all parts …

Photoshop goes Neural: Top 4 AI-based Filters

As we all know, a marketing professional is faced with creative-related tasks nearly every day. Photography is one of the most essential components of any brand. When developing a personal or company brand, the marketing professional needs to have the skills to edit and create …

The invite-only app everyone’s talking about

What is this invite-only app that everyone’s been talking about? Does podcasts sounds boring to you? Will a new social media app catch your attention? Check out the video down below to find out more about it! 🙂   insert video Do you know that the app is still a beta version?

7 Instagram Reels Ideen für Ihr KMU

Sie möchten mit Instagram Reels die Reichweite und das Engagement Ihres Unternehmens auf Social Media erhöhen, jedoch fehlt Ihnen noch die passende Content-Idee? Die Ideenfindung kann des Öfteren schwierig sein, wenn man sich gerade in einer kreativen Blockade befindet. Im heutigen Blogbeitrag werde ich Ihnen …

How is this spirit made?

Welcome back!  On my previous post we discovered the backstory of our drink of the gods. This time, I hope you are thirsty on knowledge because I want to talk to you about the elaboration process of Tequila! Of course, now a days…the gods are not …

Instagram Reels: Die wichtigsten Funktionen

Instagram Reels bietet KMU die Möglichkeit das Engagement und die Reichweite auf Instagram zu erhöhen. Doch im Arbeitsalltag fehlt einem oftmals die Zeit, um sich mit den neuen Videoformat auseinanderzusetzen. In meinem neuen Blogbeitrag werde ich Ihnen anhand von eines kurzen Video alle wichtigen Funktionen …