Diving into its features – Canva.

DID YOU KNOW? That you can create a creative template for your brand within a few clicks. No I’m not telling you to hire someone to do it. They say that lazy people come up with smart solutions. (or did they?) My “smart” solution (to your educational/marketing needs) for you today, is to invite you…

Deine perfekte Morgenroutine

Viele Menschen kommen am Morgen schlecht aus dem Bett, starten dann völlig gestresst ihren Tag und haben von Anfang an gar keine Energie. Eine Morgenroutine kann helfen, dieses Problem zu beheben. Ich möchte Dir zeigen, warum eine Morgenroutine wichtig ist und wie Du ganz einfach …

Am Ende ergibt alles einen Gin

Hallo zusammen. Wow, wenn wir uns mit Gin befassen wollen, könnte man ein ganzes Buch dazu schreiben. Ich gebe mir aber Mühe, dir einige Facts über den Gin kurz und knapp vorzustellen. Es gibt mittlerweile unglaublich viele Gin-Sorten. Nur schon auf der App Ginventory sind …

Canva – The key to unlocking your designer needs.

For those of you creative (or self proclaimed not-so-creative) fellas out there, I hope you’ve heard of the platform Canva. If not, you’re in for a very juicy treat along this blog post! Before I move on, do check out my previous posts regarding Podcasting and Clubhouse. I’ve been a user of this platform since…

How to start a life project… in Switzerland? Part One.

  Alluding to your entrepreneurial spirit, look inside yourself for that desire to create something new that fills your life with meaning, what is it that you are looking for? Have you started to write it down? I don’t have the resources… I don’t have time… I don’t have, I don’t have, I don’t have……

Prioritize mental health

In the cover image of this post, someone can make out two empty frames and two flowers underneath. Everyone can approach this picture differently and proceed in a different way. Someone can choose to put two pictures in these frames or hose the two flowers. …