The Queen of the Mountains

The queen of the mountains – you may have read these words in brochures or advertisements for Swiss tourism. Yet, do you know where the “queen”  is? Let me give you a little hint below: Enjoy breathtaking views sweeping over the Swiss Plateau, the alps …

Sharing Inspiration. Cultural Diversity. Part 5

Today is the final part of the topic “Cultural Diversity”. I share with you my personal little story. How did you like the post?  SURVEY   More inspiration you can find on my Instagram @atlas_of_inspiration   All posts: Sharing Inspiration. Introduction Sharing Inspiration. The …

4 Gründe, warum du Breakdance machen solltest

(For english version see below) Durch meine vier letzten Posts konntest du dir dein (vielleicht) erstes Wissen über Breakdance aneignen. Daher will ich dir heute aufzeigen, wieso Breakdance für dich das Richtige ist. Nachfolgend zeige ich dir meine 4 Highlights auf, welche dir demonstrieren, wieso …

Sweet sweet memories at FemUnity…

Hey you, welcome back to my blog for another “informal info session” about FemUnity. In the first article, I presented you the starting point and how far we’ve gotten in the meantime. But you might now ask yourself, “Alright, cool project but what has been …

Sharing Inspiration. Cultural Diversity. Part 4

Language is a significant part of every culture. Through legends, stories and fairytales we learn the beliefs and history of the nation. It is a time to combine inspiration and relaxation. Let’s listen the Tatar fairy tale in ASMR format (Tatarian language). A fairy tale …