End the Struggle and Prolong the Pain

Hello OBM! Now that data studio won’t be at the centre of your worries, I’m sure lots of you return to the more strategic aspects of your projects. It’s time to narrow the focus or to reiterate. There are three levels of magnitude that I …

Lustige Hundeverhalten und was sie bedeuten

Hallo Stupsnäsis! Willkommen zurück auf meinem Blog! Das Thema von Heute: Weird things dogs do! Vor allem wenn man erst vor kurzem einen Vierbeiner bei sich aufgenommen hat, dann können einige Verhaltensweisen echt merkwürdig oder sogar beängstigend sein. Daher habe ich mir gedacht, zeige ich …

Inside the Blogger: Transferring Emotion

What separates your favourite book from your last blog post? Why is the interaction with your favourite clothing store a lifestyle activity while an insurance salesperson is just that, an annoying salesperson. The difference is subtle and decisive – your purpose. The reason why Neil …

Developing Your Content Plan

Howdy, fellow pre-entrepreneur. You have a passion, want to make it a project, know how it benefits whom (or want to figure it out) and you have no idea what to do next? Welcome to idealuca’s wonderland. In this post, I’ll try to (forcefully) help/make …

Getting Your Project Going

About to start a new project? Then this post is for you. It marks the start of my new project: helping you develop yours. If I can be of assistance, please contact me here and I’ll do my best to help. Seriously, do it. In …