Stitch ‘n’ Bitch

Stitch ‘n’ Bitch is actually a term used to describe social groups that gather around and knit, crochet or sew. The first time I heard about this term was when I moved to Switzerland, 3 years ago. The group was based in Geneva, like myself …

One stick VS Two sticks.

Last time I described the characteristics of knitting and crochet. This time I thought I would tell you which one I like most, which method I use for what. Knitting I learned how to knit first. Crochet came afterwards. My mum taught me how to …

Make Your Idea Happen

We are masters of lying to ourselves when it comes to making our dreams happen. Most everybody has an aspiration or an idea that is not directly tangent to the professional path they chose. How often do we make them happen? Even the ones we …

Bombing. With yarn.

Yarn bombing for me is very exciting. And apparently for some of you guys as well. So, I decided to talk about it a bit more and introduce some yarn bombers/artists. Although they are not all artists by trade, their approach to knitting and crochet …

7 Things to Keep in Your Backpack

Citytrip Backpack Contents I’m sure you have all experienced the problem of not knowing what to pack into your bag during a city trip. On one hand you think that you better take everything in case you might need it. On the other you do …

Storytime: Adriano’s Road to Independence

Mille viae ducunt homines per saecula Romam. Or, a thousand roads lead men forever to Rome. I set myself the goal of helping people with their projects and am exploring multiple ways of doing so. You’re about to learn about the latest one – storytime. …