The invite-only app everyone’s talking about

What is this invite-only app that everyone’s been talking about? Does podcasts sounds boring to you? Will a new social media app catch your attention? Check out the video down below to find out more about it! 🙂   insert video Do you know that the app is still a beta version?

DIY – Wandfarben und ihre Wirkung

Sind deine Wände bei dir Zuhause immer noch weiss und möchtest du einmal etwas Neues ausprobieren? Oder hast du bereits schon farbige Wände, aber Lust auf eine Veränderung? Dann bist du bei „all about a coloured wall“ genau richtig. Farben können einen Einfluss auf dich …

Chipeño – Das Rezept gegen Fernweh!

Seit März 2020 schnĂĽrt das Corona-Virus allen reiselustigen Menschen auf diesem Planeten wortwörtlich die Luft ab. Sämtliche FlĂĽge sind gestrichen, die Grenzen geschlossen und kein Ende in Sicht. Der Koffer in der Abstellkammer ist inzwischen mit einer dicken Staubschicht ĂĽberzogen und die Sonnencreme langsam aber …

Top Street Styles from Micro-Fashion Influencers

Scrolling your Instagram feed you perhaps noticed that accounts with millions followers are getting less engagement than thousands of micro- influencers who are making a substantial effect on their niche. Since you have heard a lot about them on my blogs, I have seen that …

The newest social hack – Instagram Pods

In my previous blog post I was talking about Errors- in our case bots, so in this post I am going to introduce you to the newest Instagram hack entitled as Pods. And, we have already seen that building organic followers is not that easy …

Online Business: 7 Digital Business Ideas for Students

Digital products have two heavy advantages over physical goods: no shipping and no inventory. Check out a pretty diverse list of profitable digital product for students. Original sources: 18 Digital Product Ideas That Fit Almost Every Small Business 101 Digital Products to Sell Online in 2020 

Simplify your eating habits

Eating like a minimalist is not focusing on a radical diet and not eating anything anymore. In my opinion it means to focus on simple and healthy recipes, which are timesaving and also produce less waste. Healthy ingredients  Of course, fast-food products are tempting and …

DIY Home Decor Inspiration

As you might have already recognized from my previous posts: I love Pinterest. I find myself scrolling through my home feed on a daily basis to get some inspiration. Especially now as I will move in a new apartment my boards are filled with home …

Kräuter auf dem Balkon: Tipps und Tricks

Kräuter auf dem Balkon anzupflanzen ist sehr praktisch, da die fĂĽr die gängigen Kräuter benötigten Töpfe eher klein sind und somit nicht viel Platz versperren. Doch auch wenn viele Kräuter generell als pflegeleicht gelten, haben sie unterschiedliche Vorlieben. Folgend findet ihr einige Tipps und Tricks, …

4 Life-Changing Tools To Become A LinkedIn Expert

Small businesses, but also many start-ups often struggle with the lack of budget for their marketing and communication. Those areas are nevertheless very important in order to run a business smoothly. Also, the lack of skills in these fields is sometimes problematic. However, nowadays, they …