Sharing Inspiration. Russian Ballet. Part 1

The story of the Russian Ballet. With over 500 years of history behind it, ballet has seen quite an evolution from its beginnings. Ballet started life as a courtly performance, evolving into the spectacular art we know today. We have looked at queens and kings …

Sharing Inspiration. The World of Fabergé. Part 4

Today I offer you to combine Inspiration and Relaxation. ASMR. I invite you to look through the beautiful album which represents the Kremlin Museum collection of Carl Fabergé Imperial Eggs. in ASMR format. The video includes: different brushes sounds; very soft tapping on the paper; …

Sharing Inspiration. Introduction

Welcome to Sharing Inspiration! If you are an art and creativity lover,  you are in the right place. I am very happy to share my inspiration with you. I believe that together we can push our muses to the stars. Magic is coming! If …

Dein Spruch auf deinen 4 Wänden

Sprüche können bereichernd und inspirierend sein. Jeder hat doch ein Wort oder einen Spruch welchen er oder sie cool findet. Das gute ist, du brauchst dir nicht ein Tattoo stechen zu lassen, sondern kannst ihn direkt bei dir Zuhause aufmalen und dich tagtäglich darüber freuen …