Swisstainable : a new way of traveling in Switzerland

Swisstainable : a new way of traveling in Switzerland

Despite being a small country in the heart of Europe, Switzerland is well known both inside and outside the continent. Swiss ski resorts, lakes, chocolate, and cheese immediately come to mind when we think of the country.

❓ However, have you ever considered spending your vacation in Switzerland?

Traveling in Switzerland is always interesting because it is a country that is truly blessed by nature. Every individual can select from a variety of options for their preferred mode of travel. Traveling can be productive and environmentally friendly in both ways if you use the natural resources wisely.

Check out my first Tik Tok & YouTube video from Lugano, Switzerland

What is “sustainable tourism”?


According to the World Tourism Organization, sustainable tourism “addresses the needs of travelers, the industry, the environment, and host communities, taking full account of its current and future economic, social, and environmental impacts.”


With a focus on sustainable tourism, Switzerland implements its own strategy called Swisstainable.

Swisstainable’s main goal is to :

  • Help tourists experience nature up close and personal.
  • Discover the local culture in its truest form.
  • Purchase and consume local goods
  • Stay longer and explore farther

?? Switzerland: a country for eco-friendly travel?

In terms of environmentally friendly travel, Switzerland is the world leader. The sustainability abilities of major towns like Zurich, Bern, and Geneva have frequently been recognized. But what makes Switzerland resilient?

  1. Switzerland’s natural environment
  2. Water that meets high quality standards
  3. Resorts without cars

? 5 sustainable hotels in Switzerland :

? Do you prefer traveling and exploring Switzerland? Have you ever stayed in a sustainable hotel? If so, which one? Please let me know in the comments section below!

⬇ Check out my last blog posts here :

1️⃣ The role of Artificial Intelligence in the Hotel Industry

2️⃣ Smart Hotels – The result of Smart Technology


(2019, January 6). What is Switzerland Famous For? Here are 8 things! Studying in Switzerland. Retrieved February 4, 2023, from

(n.d.). Sustainable tourism. United Nations – Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development. Retrieved February 4, 2023, from

(n.d.). Swisstainable – sustainable travel in Switzerland. My Switzerland, Switzerland Tourism. Retrieved February 4, 2023, from

(n.d.). Sustainable Tourism in Switzerland. Magic Switzerland. Retrieved February 4, 2023, from

Marija Djokaj

Welcome to my hotel marketing blog, where we will explore the dynamic world of digital marketing for the hospitality sector. Join me as we explore how digital marketing has the potential to revolutionize the hotel industry and how it has an impact on hotels, influencing the entire guest experience in the digital age. Learn practical travel advice for your upcoming trips to Europe, and keep up with the most recent developments in the ever-changing hotel industry. I am delighted to interact with you through my blogs, and any input you have would be very valuable. ? Thank You!

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14 thoughts on “Swisstainable : a new way of traveling in Switzerland

  1. Switzerland is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been, and when I go back, I’ll surely stay at one of these sustainable hotels!

  2. Switzerland has so much to offer and I love traveling around as well.
    Haven’t heard of Swisstainability before but will definitely hold that in mind next time! 😉

  3. So far, I have never stayed in a sustainable hotel- but I will definitly consider this on my next trip. Thank you for the inspiration 🙂

    1. Hi Olivia, really nice to hear that you found the article useful. Stay tuned for more content! 🙂

  4. I haven’t experienced swisstainable holiday in Switzerland. However, once I stayed in France, that hotel has implemented some sustainable practices, offering water in a glass bottle, shampoo and shower gel in bigger bottles. and I think, it’s really great actions 🙂

    1. Hey Maria! I truly do believe that all those little details affect how well you enjoy a hotel, so thank you for sharing your experience. I’m delighted that you found that type of action appealing. 🙂

    1. Dear Sarah, although I believe many people are unaware of this practice, it will undoubtedly draw a lot of attention in the future given its objectives. 🙂

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