Lida Naeim-Jäggi

AWAS – Portraits of Afghan Women: Lida Naeim-Jäggi

“To actively engage in the conversation, I must first seek understanding.” – Lida Naeim-Jäggi

Today, I find myself in Basel, at Lida’s home, where we had the privilege of recording the interview on her picturesque terrace. Meeting Lida, a truly inspiring woman who fled Afghanistan at the tender age of 7, was an incredible experience. In this video, she graciously shares her remarkable journey, highlighting the diverse experiences she encountered while living and traveling in different countries.

Lida is currently fully engaged in her PhD research, focusing specifically on the topic of refugees. Throughout our conversation, she delves deeply into the profound themes of acceptance, understanding, and identity. Lida’s extraordinary journey serves as a powerful testament to her resilience, leaving an indelible impact on all who are fortunate enough to hear her story.

Discover the insightful research of Lida Naeim-Jäggi on the pressing challenges of refugees and their impact on society. Uncover the obligations, responsibilities, and shared values that shape the coexistence between refugees and hosts. Delve deeper into this important topic and gain valuable insights:

“My research project is about the current refugee challenge that has sparked the debate about obligations and rights of the individual, the stability and plurality of the community committed to dignity and equality, and on the moral resources at their disposal to bring about a diversity of cultures into one shared society.Therefore, I analyse the contributions of two philosophers, Hannah Arendt and Seyla Benhabib, who both have made decisive contributions to this topic in their academic work. However, both have very different biographies and life experiences, what shaped their approach of their analysis. I especially focus on the questions: What obligations do refugees have when they arrive into a new country? What responsibilities or duties do the hosts have towards the newcomers? What does the will to live together include for both? To understand what is going on at the crystallisation point of the crossing of borders into a country and thereafter among refugees and hosts, it is necessary to try to uncover the context behind the scenes. My approach is to work out the elements that play a role in the question of immigration and integration and identify patterns that influence the obligations and responsibilities of the refugees and hosts.” – Lida Naeim-Jäggi


Maryam Sediqi

Herzlich willkommen auf meiner Seite! Ich bin Maryam, eine Studentin an der HSLU Luzern und eine der Mitgründerinnen von AWAS - Afghan Women Association Switzerland. Als gebürtige Afghanin sehe ich es als meine Pflicht, meine Stimme für die stimmlosen Frauen meines Landes zu erheben. Die Geschichte der afghanischen Frauen ist von Krieg und Unterdrückung geprägt, doch ich möchte dir eine andere Seite zeigen: Die Seite inspirierender Frauen, die trotz aller Widrigkeiten ihren Träumen treu geblieben sind. Frauen, die in der Schweiz ein neues Leben aufgebaut haben und zu Vorbildern für die neue Generation werden. Wenn auch du dich für diese Geschichten interessierst, dann bleib dran - ich werde regelmässig weitere Beiträge und Videos darüber veröffentlichen. Zusammen können wir dazu beitragen, die Stimmen und Geschichten der afghanischen Frauen zu stärken und zu verbreiten.

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2 thoughts on “AWAS – Portraits of Afghan Women: Lida Naeim-Jäggi

  1. Bravo Maryam! Like ,our other blogs, it was very catchy and interesting to listen to her story. Keep it up!

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