AWAS-Portraits of Afghan Women: Continuing the Journey

Dear readers, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for your support, comments, likes, and shares of my blog. It has been a truly wonderful experience for me to meet so many inspiring women who have integrated into Switzerland and have success stories to share. I have always been deeply inspired by the success…

AWAS – Portraits of Afghan Women: Lida Naeim-Jäggi

[embed][/embed] “To actively engage in the conversation, I must first seek understanding.” – Lida Naeim-Jäggi Today, I find myself in Basel, at Lida’s home, where we had the privilege of recording the interview on her picturesque terrace. Meeting Lida, a truly inspiring woman who fled Afghanistan at the tender age of 7, was an incredible…

AWAS – Portraits of Afghan Women: Horia Hashimi It is essential that no woman feels the need to conceal her identity. Afghan women in Switzerland should be empowered to cultivate a sense of belonging and truly feel at home here. – Horia Hashimi “Empowering Afghan women in Switzerland to embrace their identities and find a sense of belonging, so that they can…