Red and orange buildings, surrounded by nature such as trees and lawn. Alongside of a golf court. Hills and the Lago Maggiore are in the back visible.

Harnessing the Power of Influencers to Reach a Wider Target Audience

Welcome to the world of influencer marketing, where partnering with social media influencers can help 5-star hotels reach new heights. Influencers have become a powerful force in the digital world, and their ability to create authentic and engaging content has made them an asset to businesses across various industries. By partnering with influencers, hotels can potentially win over new audiences and boost their brand’s visibility, ultimately leading to increased revenue and growth. Achieving increased revenue would be a sign of success.

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms among younger generations and has emerged as a valuable platform for hotels, like Hotel Giardino Ascona, to showcase their stunning locations, amenities, and exceptional service to a global audience. With the help of influencers, Hotel Giardino Ascona can create visually appealing content that showcases the hotel’s luxurious accommodations, stunning views, and top-notch amenities, ultimately attracting a younger and trendier audience.

Continuing, Instagram among other social media platforms is a great way to showcase travel and hotel content because it’s visual, mobile-friendly, and has a large influencer network. Its focus on high-quality visual content allows hotels to present their offerings in an aspirational and engaging way. Instagram’s mobile-first approach also makes it convenient for travellers to discover new destinations and hotels on-the-go. Additionally, Instagram’s extensive influencer network provides a valuable opportunity for hotels to reach new audiences and build trust with potential guests.

Instagram landing page of Hotel Giardino Ascona
Instagram Screenshot of Hotel Giardino Ascona

Hotel Giardino Ascona currently has around 8,000 followers on their Instagram page. However, there is always potential for a higher number. The Giardino Group AG, which Hotel Giardino Ascona belongs to, has a few more Instagram accounts such as giardino.lago, giardino.mountain, and The reason for this is that the audience varies, and it has been taken into consideration not to use the Instagram page anymore because of user habits. Users intentionally research and only want to find pages linked to the destination or hotel product they are looking for. Plus, most followers can identify better with the social media platform that aligns with the product.


So, what does this have to do with influencer marketing and potentially reaching a wider audience? The answer is that Hotel Giardino Ascona has a solid customer base; however, they must keep up with the times and reach a new and younger audience. In 2022, they

A woman and a child feeding Koi fish. Kneeling on the bridge of the water lily pond. Surrounded by water, trees and lemon trees.
Instagram Credit: sarellax3 at Hotel Giardino Ascona

had the opportunity to welcome German singer and influencer Sarah Engels. She belongs to the age category the hotel is aiming for, has a family, which the hotel positions itself as being family-friendly, and is from the German-speaking demographic, concluding that the target demographic of the hotel is the German-speaking customer. Another reason why she was invited is due to the number of followers she has, around 1 million, and it made sense to the management to host her. The aftermath is that being her host increased the number of followers for the hotel but not necessarily in any monetary profit. Because her followers are quite young and cannot afford to stay in that specific property yet, however, there is potential for them to think of it in the far future. Overall, it made sense to have her, and she falls into the segment of being a good influencer for the hotel.

Here are some compelling reasons why inviting influencers to collaborate with your 5-star hotel can help you gain a wider audience:

Increased Reach: Influencers often have a large and engaged following on social media platforms, which can help increase the reach of your hotel’s rebranding efforts. By partnering with influencers who have followers that align with your target audience, you can tap into new and relevant audiences who may not have previously been exposed to your brand.

Authenticity: Influencers are often seen as trusted sources by their followers, who may be more likely to engage with and believe their recommendations. By working with influencers who align with your brand values and aesthetic, you can tap into their authenticity and credibility to promote your hotel’s rebranding efforts in a way that feels natural and genuine.

Creative Content: Influencers are often skilled at creating high-quality and visually appealing content, which can be leveraged to promote your hotel’s rebranding efforts on social media platforms. This can help to increase engagement, build brand awareness, and showcase your hotel in a new and exciting way.

Targeted Messaging: Influencers can help ensure that your rebranding efforts are reaching the right audience. By partnering with influencers who have followers that match your target demographic, you can craft messaging and content that resonates with your desired audience, leading to increased engagement and conversions.

Competitive Advantage: By leveraging influencers in your rebranding efforts, you can gain a competitive advantage over other hotels in your industry or your competitors nearby. This can help differentiate your brand in a crowded marketplace and position your hotel as a thought leader and innovator in the industry.

However, these days, hotels receive numerous collaboration suggestions from self-proclaimed influencers. To make an informed decision, hotels should consider key factors such as audience, engagement, authenticity, reputation, and budget. Regarding budget, it is essential to determine if the influencer’s cost falls within the hotel’s budget range and whether the potential return on investment justifies the expense. The other factors mentioned above are self-explanatory and briefly discussed in the content above.

In conclusion, influencers can be a useful tool to create higher brand awareness, generate good visual content, and help spread the message. However, companies must first ensure that the influencer aligns with their value proposition before considering collaboration.

My next post will be a Podcast – Interview, with the Head of Brand and Content Strategy at Giardino Group AG. Where some topics will be mentioned that have already been covered in my previous blog posts. Plus, you get a further insight on how to distinguish whether hosting an influencer makes sense for the Hotel Giardino Ascona or not and what the next big project will be. Stay tuned!

Below you can find my other blog posts?


Hi my name is Sarah, as someone who has worked in the hospitality industry for over 5 years, both in Switzerland and abroad, I have had the privilege of gaining valuable experience in this dynamic and exciting field. Throughout my career, I have witnessed the industry evolve and adapt to changing consumer trends and preferences, particularly when it comes to the younger generation of travellers. Currently working for the Giardino Group AG, a leading player in the Swiss-Luxury hospitality sector, I am faced with the challenge of finding innovative ways to attract younger customers to our properties. As a passionate hospitality professional, I am always eager to explore new ideas and strategies to meet this challenge and ensure that our brand remains relevant and appealing to a diverse range of customers. Stay tuned for my ideas!

View all posts by Sarah →

4 thoughts on “Harnessing the Power of Influencers to Reach a Wider Target Audience

  1. Interesting points! Are there any recommendations that expectation from the influencer’s content match with the final result?

    1. Ideally yes, but in the end it depends what you were aiming for. If you trying to only get a wider audience, as in new followers, I’d say not really.

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