hotdog broke up with burger

Why did the plant-based burger break up with the plant-based hotdog?

Because it couldn’t ketchup! ?

If to be serious, are you a hotdog person ?  or a burger person ? ? I know it’s a timeless question, and for those who lean towards hot dogs, there’s a new plant-based option that’s worth trying.
Planted, a Swiss company, has created a vegan Planted.Bratwurst that’s sure to tempt even the most devoted meat lovers. And if you’re looking for the perfect dressing to go with it, you can find below the recipe for the perfect vegan mayo from the restaurant Mairübe in Luzern.

Are you ready for a tasty, plant-based adventure?


The hot dog is nothing without the perfect dressing, and the mayo recipe provided by Mairübe is the ideal complement to it. Just mix it with the red cabbage. The result is a delicious sauce that’s perfect for slathering on top of a hot dog. This recipe is also ideal for vegans; besides that, it’s very easy to cook.


✔️1 dl. soy drink 
✔️1 tablespoon lemon juice or vinegar
✔️0.5 tablespoon mustard
✔️ca. 2-3 dl oil (it’s recommended rapeseed oil)
✔️1 garlic glove (optional) 
✔️1 pinch of kala namak (optional)
✔️salt, pepper

Mix all ingredients except for the oil in a tall Tupperware. Mix with a hand blender and slowly add the oil until the desired consistency is reached. You can add cooked and thinly diced leaves of kohlrabi or beetroot to the veganaise or spice things up with fresh or dried herbs.

To conclude…

? Planted.Bratwurst hotdog and Mairübe Luzern’s vegan mayo offer a delicious and healthier alternative to traditional hotdogs. Not only are they better for the environment and animals, but they’re also better for our health. So the next time you’re looking for a tasty, plant-based meal, try Planted.Bratwurst with homemade mayo. Your taste buds – and your body – will thank you.


? Related blog posts:

Grill Without the Guilt: Vegetarian BBQ Options and Scenic Spots

Planted: The Swiss Company Changing the Game in Plant-Based Meat Alternatives

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Maria Vorobeva

My name is Maria Vorobeva. I am a student at the Lucerne School of Business majoring in Online Business and Marketing. I am passionate about online marketing and have always been interested in the latest trends and tools. Along with it, I'm also a foodie and love to try new food, experiment with recipes, and taste new dishes. In my blog, I am talking about plant-based foods, nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, and Planted. Stay tuned!

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