5 Benefits of Drinking Wine

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. It is a very common expression, yet no scientific evidence of any significant health effect. However, when it comes to wine many evidence is available that drinking a moderate* amount of wine has great benefits for your health.

1. Helps you pass your exams

Wine contains an ingredient called resveratrol. This ingredient helps to improve the retention of words and boost the part of the brain that is in charge of new memories, learning and emotions.

2. Bye-bye to being sad

You know wine helps you relax…but depression? Researchers found than drinking up to seven glasses of wine per week reduce the chances of depression. During the study social and lifestyle factors were consider and wine still came out as a winner.

3. Lower rates of obesity

A study was done in three different countries, where almost a thousand twins female were examined. The scientists came with the result that red wine drinkers have lower rates of obesity and levels of cholesterol. And again social, lifestyle factors were taken under consideration and red wine still came out as a winner.

4. Good against cancer

According to Harvard Health, wine reduces the chances of prostate cancer. They found that drinking red wine reduces the chances of getting cancer by more than 50%. They also found that wine helps against other kinds of advanced or aggressive cancer. In this case, the scientist went even further and evaluate different kinds of alcoholic beverages and yes red wine was the winner giving us the most benefits.

5. It helps you to live longer

Thanks to the wine high antioxidant content longevity may be increased. The national institute of health in the US published that wine drinkers have lower mortality risks compared with non-drinkers. It was found that the mortality rate is higher among abstainers by 69%.

*It seems like the magic number is seven. Seven glasses of wine per week can bring many benefits to our health.


To get the same amount of antioxidants you find in wine, you would need to drink 20 glasses of apple juice or seven glasses of orange juice.

Too good to be true? Do you think I make this up? Absolutely no, you can check my sources —>

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23731 528
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/ articles/PMC3237714/

Alejandro Gomez Ibarra

Human, Mexican traveler, taco expert, beer aficionado, wine enthusiast.

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4 thoughts on “5 Benefits of Drinking Wine

  1. Loved these facts, will definitely not forget about my glass a day today, thanks!

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