Eat your Stress away – in a Good Way!

It’s the weekend!
We have made it through another stressful week.
To reward myself for this I have already figured out my very own routine for Saturdays, which I would like to share with you.

Tidy Room, Tidy Mind
After sleeping in – which I always treat myself to once a week – I mostly prepare a cup of tea. Currently I am all about that black tea, but that changes from time to time.

After enjoying my tea I start to tidy up and clean my apartment.

You guessed it right, there are actually studies that show that untidiness makes you mentally feel more stressed. A tidy desk makes you more productive, you are less easily distracted and a tidy room helps you to maintain an easy overview where stuff is. So this as become a vital part of my weekend routine, as time for that is mostly missing during the week.

Most important Meal of the Day
After being done with cleaning my favorite part starts. Breakfast. I learned in the past that there are certain ingredients that help us feel less stressed. So what did I do? I choose my favorites and turned it into my most beloved food – Pancakes! But in healthy. And destressing.

How to: Banana Pancakes
I am starting out by mashing up one very ripe banana. Try to really take an overly ripe one, as it is sweeter. Bananas contain many ingredients that help your mental and physical stress, such as Aminoacid Tryphtophan, Cink or Magnesium. You can read about the benefits those provide in my last blogpost. I add two eggs – sorry, no proven stress relievers with those ones. Just make sure to buy the ones from happy chickens, so you can at least provide those with an easy life.

After mashing those two together I add oats. The ones I use are actually for porridge and already shredded, which is why you can easily use those instead of flour. And why would we do this? Because oats have stress relieving benefits. Due to their amount of healthy carbs, they provide us with brain power and prevent us from getting ravenous appetite.

After combining all those ingredients I cook them in a pan. I am serving them with nut mousse, as this also provides your body with vitamins like Niacin, which helps the body balancing stress. I mostly add yogurt as well, as it supports you to digest and contains magnesium and calcium.

After all of this science, the most important part: it is super healthy, super easy and you most likely have all ingredients at home! And let’s be honest – whoever says that eating does not make us happy is clearly lying!

Up Next on my Blog
During the next weeks I have something new planned out for you. I want to interview people that are living a similar stressful life as I do. Do you have any questions you want me to ask?

Let me know in the comments or on my Instagram.


Studying, working, sports and life overall can be very stressful. Follow me on my journey to a more relaxed life.

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4 thoughts on “Eat your Stress away – in a Good Way!

  1. Hey Elsa!! Cool post!! ?When I clean and tidy up my apartment, it helps me relax as well! Plus I like to have things in order. ? And I love banana pancakes! YUM!!

  2. No studies needed for the tidying part. I can’t work if it’s not tidy around me at all. Also, thanks for the delicious header image. I ate like 15 minutes ago and now I’m hungry again.

  3. Hi Elsa!
    Pretty cool post. I loved the easy recipe.
    Do you have more of those? Perhaps you could ask that on your interviews.

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