Von Zuhause ausziehen – ja oder nein?

Wohnst du noch bei deinen Eltern und fühlst dich langsam aber sicher bereit von Zuhause auszuziehen? Oder bist du dir noch nicht ganz sicher ob du überhaupt ausziehen sollst? –> Wenn dies der Fall ist, bist du hier genau richtig 😉 ! In meinem Blog …

Lo que siempre quisiste saber sobre Suiza

Bienvenidos! Suiza se caracteriza por el plurilingüismo, el sistema político, la diversidad cultural, los impresionantes paisajes y sus gentes. 8,5 millones de personas viven en Suiza, una cifra que dobla la de principios del siglo 20. La población se ha más que doblado en los …

Let’s Get Serious: 6 Digital Marketing Strategies

It’s important that you strive to create an online footprint for your brand if you want to succeed in today’s competitive digital marketplace. Remember this simple fact: Google and Facebook make more profits than any other conventional advertising company because they have more eyeballs. This …

Sustainable Fashion

Fashion is more than clothing it is a lifestyle for some, exclusively me, as an author of this blog. Although, clothing assists with expression of personality and individuality; means of social communication; cultural meaning; economic status and of course enhancement of the person. Upon a …

What is digital minimalism?

For now this will be my last blogpost of the minimalism blog series. However, I want to wrap it up with an important topic about digital detox. The time wasted on mobile devices is increasing year by year. On average an US adult is spending …

The Future of Food – Reducing Your Impact

Do you want to reduce the carbon footprint of your food? Focus on what you eat, not whether your food is local If you read my previous post you should know that food production is responsible for one-quarter of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. There …

Instagram Errors- Fake Engagement

As I always mention on my blog posts that today “influencers” on social media are closer to celebrities or starts of reality shows, they have become tremendously admired and inspired from their audience. The fashion industry has thrived like no other B2C industry on Instagram …