Find the Perfect Job Candidates With LinkedIn

Hiring the right employee is not always easy and it’s oftentimes time consuming. Also, when you have a small business, it can be difficult to attract talents as you don’t have a huge exposure and therefore people may simply not know about your company. And …

How to have a more Eco-friendly Summer

Summer is approaching by the weather becoming warmer and the daylight going longer. We all crave sunshine and long sunny days. Thus, being in the ‘Summer Mode’ we tend to forget more than usual. Summer vacation, more time to spend with friends and family, and …

Ask a Cyber-Security Specialist Part II

Here is the part II of Ask a Cyber-Security Specialist. There was a lot of information that needed to be shared and it was too long to be on one video. Enjoy! Click here to watch part I

Social Engineering: What To Watch Out For

WHAT IS SOCIAL ENGINEERING Social engineering has been misinterpreted by many people, that has led a lot of people thinking that it is just scam and try to steal something trivial. Some may refer to it as a scheme used by criminals or con artists. …

What is e-safety

Being safe on the internet in one of a 21st century skill everyone needs to have. If you are lucky enough to have learnt it in school, perhaps you would need a little refresher! What is e-safety It is internet safety or cyber safety; it is …

COVID-19 Scams are Rising

The outbreak is not just rampant in real life, many vulnerable users fall victim in the virtual world. Scammers use this golden opportunity in times of emergency like this. During this difficult time, many people are anxious and is more willing to click on anything …