How to start a life project… in Switzerland? Part One.

  Alluding to your entrepreneurial spirit, look inside yourself for that desire to create something new that fills your life with meaning, what is it that you are looking for? Have you started to write it down? I don’t have the resources… I don’t have time… I don’t have, I don’t have, I don’t have……

Lisbon – the city of golden sunsets

If you haven’t been in Lisbon yet you should add it to your travel list.  It’s a great city to visit. Lisbon is one of the oldest cities in Europe. The big earthquake in 1755 damaged most of the city but it was renewed in …

People in a very good mental state during the pandemic. Really?!

Let’s talk about fitness! To work efficiently and effectively from home we need to be fit. Therefore, this topic is of high relevance for each employee and should not be neglected by employers. A large topic which will cover the next blog posts – each of them deals with a specific aspect of fitness. The…

Hiking community: myth or reality?

Have you ever thought about starting an activity while being a member of a group? Or do you prefer to travel on your own? Even though both options have their pros and cons, in this post I will tell you about the advantages of joining …

6 Dinge, um Dein Mindset zu verbessern

In diesem Beitrag möchte ich Dir 6 einfache Dinge aufzeigen, damit Du Dein Mindest verbessern kannst. Diese kleinen Dinge kannst Du alle relativ einfach in Deinen Alltag integrieren und umsetzen. Falls Du meine vorherigen Blogposts noch nicht gelesen hast, findest Du meinen ersten Blogpost hier …

Für mehr Positivität in Deinem Leben

Hast Du gewusst, dass ein Mensch rund 60’000 Gedanken am Tag hat? Diese Gedanken können bewusst oder unbewusst sein. Manchmal sind sie positiv, manchmal eben auch negativ. Das Thema Positives Mindset hat einen sehr grossen Zusammenhang mit all Deinen Gedanken.  Schon im ersten Blogbeitrag haben …

The internal journey of a doer

Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.  – Winston Churchill   The journey to new beginnings is not an easy step but it’s for sure a step from good to great. That’s how I see it and it’s how my …