Money Management on Your Vacation

Questions such as “How much cash do I carry?” on my vacation, “Do I exchange currencies at home or at my destination?“, or “Where do I put all my cash?” are very important. Before you go on your trip, you need to make sure that you …

Ofengemüse mit Cantadou Champignon

Mama hat immer gesagt: «Iss dein Gemüse!», aber ganz ehrlich dieses super gesunde gedämpfte Gemüse schmeckt einfach nur fade. In meiner Zeit in Fribourg, habe ich das Gemüse neu für mich entdeckt, und zwar in Form von Ofengemüse. Dieses Gericht stand bei uns in der …

5 Rules for a Relaxing Vacation

We all know that feeling: Looking forward to finally being home and in the own bed after a vacation. Finally being able to relax again and just do nothing. But why? I believe that traveling should also be something relaxing and inspiring. Therefore, I have …

Storytime: Gaby’s Financial Plan

Sometimes, having an idea comes with large hurdles. Sometimes, they are a little too large to just take them on your run. Sometimes, you need help to jump them. That was certainly the case for Gaby, when she turned her dream of opening an escape …

Secret Escapes: Worth a Visit?

You may or may not have heard about Secret Escapes. It is a website where you can book exclusive offers from all around the world. And I just love it! Why? See for yourself in my new video: If you are curious, go have a …

End the Struggle and Prolong the Pain

Hello OBM! Now that data studio won’t be at the centre of your worries, I’m sure lots of you return to the more strategic aspects of your projects. It’s time to narrow the focus or to reiterate. There are three levels of magnitude that I …

A Goaltender Fairy Tale

Imagine going to a hockey game as a spectator – and suddenly you have to play in the best hockey league in the world. That’s the story of Scott Foster, 36, accountant & NHL legend.

Bagel Sandwiches & Sweet Potato Fries

Die Blumen blühen und es wird langsam warm – der Frühling ist da! Mit den wärmeren Temperaturen vergeht einem etwas die Lust nach warmem und deftigem Essen. Da eignet sich der Bagel als Mittagessen auf der Uniterrasse und als Alternative zum Sandwich ganz gut. Wer …