You won’t know if you don’t try – Canva.

“Design is thinking made visual.” – Saul Bass Whilst you’re sipping on your cup of tea or coffee, do check out my previous post about Canva Pro for Students before proceeding to the rest of this post! 🙂 Example Ad 1 [embed][/embed] Example Ad 2 [embed][/embed] I thought of coming up with an ad-like video to…

How To Create a Professional Newsletter

  In the previous posts of our project, we have covered the topics of professionally retouching photos, colour, typography, logo creation. Additionally, we have discovered the latest trends in graphic design that you can apply to your startup and learned that building a website is …

Top 5 Tools To Design Your Social Media

Designing social media content seems to be simple, but once you have started, you realise, well, it takes time! The process of finding the right picture, sound, videos takes hours, if not more. But, we have good news, there are some tools already on the …

How to measure employee productivity

For my last post, I have been talking about 5 Important aspects business owners should consider when switching to home office. Once your employees start working from home, you might start thinking about how to measure their productivity. In this video, you will find 4 …

Building Website Made Simple: No Code Needed

Building a website is a very complex process that involves such skills as knowing HTML, CSS, principles of effective human-centred design, creating prototypes of layouts that would lead a customer to a better experience, knowledge in working with graphic elements etc. Before you build any …