Coffee addict or snacker? – Nutrition in Homeoffice

In the last blog Nutritionist Manuela Best provides an overview of the physical and nutritional aspects you should pay attention to and how to integrate them into your daily routine. The cabinet of sweets close by or treats right next to the workstation. What tips does she have for you if you are a snacker…

Am Ende ergibt alles einen Gin

Hallo zusammen. Wow, wenn wir uns mit Gin befassen wollen, könnte man ein ganzes Buch dazu schreiben. Ich gebe mir aber Mühe, dir einige Facts über den Gin kurz und knapp vorzustellen. Es gibt mittlerweile unglaublich viele Gin-Sorten. Nur schon auf der App Ginventory sind …

Nutrition in Homeoffice – Inputs from an Expert

As promised in the last blog post, we move on from mental health and focus on physical health in this article. This week’s first post is about nutrition in home office. Nutritionist Manuela Best gives us an overview of the physical and nutritional aspects you should pay attention to in your home office and how…

A Tequila trend you didn’t know about!

Hola! Welcome back to my Tequila blog. If you read my previous post, you are already aware of the several types of Tequila. However, I want to tell you about a trend which you probably did not know about. A whole new spirit experience… Tequila …

Natürliche Proteinquellen – süsse und einfache Rezepte

In meinem zweiten Blogbeitrag hast du nun einige gesunde pflanzlichen Proteinquellen kennengelernt von welchen ich dir in meinem dritten Blogbeitrag meine 5 Favoriten detaillierter vorgestellt habe. Nun zeige dir anhand von einigen süssen Rezepten wie du diese Lebensmittel ganz einfach und lecker im Alltag verwenden …

5 types of Tequila?

Hola and welcome to our new Tequila post. So far, we got an introduction to our favorite spirit and on my previous post we learned about its elaboration process. Now, Tequila is one of a kind. Yet, it can also be categorized depending on certain characteristics. …

Describe your dream hotel | Travel 2.0

Would you rather vacation at the beach or in the mountains, to a major city or to a remote location, in a luxurious resort or a small family-owned hotel? Would you rather book a hotel with a relaxing spa or a mouthwatering breakfast offering, with …