A Glass of Wine? A Bottle, Please!

Summer, the time of having a beer by the lake or chilling in a park, is coming, slowly but its coming. I have always considered myself as a beer guy. That does not mean that I know anything about it. I just drink it. That’s …

LGBT-Marketing: Worst Practices

In the last post, I talked about some dos and don’ts of LGBT-marketing. To make these points more identifiable, I want to show you some examples of past LGBT ad campaigns that have failed hard. Stay tuned for a post about the winners up soon! …

The Dos and Don’ts of LGBT Marketing

Establishing LGBT diversity in advertisement not only helps your business create a deeper connection to its customer base but it also reaffirms the LGBT community’s sense of having a place in society and being “seen”. Before you get started with your inclusive ad campaign, though, …

Nachhaltig leben, notwendig aber wie?

Hallo liebe Leserinnen und Leser, es freut mich, dass ihr den Weg  zu meinem ersten Blogpost gefunden habt. Hiermit heisse ich euch herzlich willkommen und wünsche euch viel Spass beim Lesen. Wie am Titel unschwer erkennbar, dreht sich hier alles um das Thema (ökologische) Nachhaltigkeit …

Smart Home Tech: 4 Great Advantages!

Whether you have a forgetful mind or your lifestyle is going at 200km/h, a smart home is a great tool to live a life of ease!  Join me to discover the best smart home tech available out there. First, let’s explore 4 advantages of a …

4 Reasons Why Your Business Needs LGBT-Marketing

With trust in large corporations, the government and the press fading, consumers are increasingly looking to brands to take a progressive stand on the issues they care about. Millennials, in particular, want to put their money where their mouth is and deal with companies that …