COVID-19 Scams are Rising

The outbreak is not just rampant in real life, many vulnerable users fall victim in the virtual world. Scammers use this golden opportunity in times of emergency like this. During this difficult time, many people are anxious and is more willing to click on anything …

Die 4 Treiber für eine nachhaltige Ernährung

Hallo liebe Leserinnen und Leser, herzlich willkommen zur zweiten Ausgabe der Nachhaltigkeit Series. Was könnt ihr heute erwarten? – Nun, wir schreiten endlich zur Tat. Heute, wo sich alles um das Thema Ernährung dreht, werdet ihr erfahren weshalb die Ernährung beim Thema Nachhaltigkeit eine wesentliche …

LGBT-Marketing: Best Practices

In the last post, I’ve talked to you about some of the worst practices in LGBT-Marketing, and, let me tell you it was surprisingly hard to find those. Finding the great ones was much easier – I even had to leave some out! Here are …

A Glass of Wine? A Bottle, Please!

Summer, the time of having a beer by the lake or chilling in a park, is coming, slowly but its coming. I have always considered myself as a beer guy. That does not mean that I know anything about it. I just drink it. That’s …

LGBT-Marketing: Worst Practices

In the last post, I talked about some dos and don’ts of LGBT-marketing. To make these points more identifiable, I want to show you some examples of past LGBT ad campaigns that have failed hard. Stay tuned for a post about the winners up soon! …