Plauderstube mit Susanne

Heute spricht mit uns, nennen wir sie mal Susanne (32 Jahre), über ihr angeborenes Schielen. Da sie lieber anonym bleiben möchte, weicht das Format im Vergleich zu den vorherigen Posts ein wenig ab. Diesmal gibts kein Video, dafür aber ein ehrliches Interview. Bühne frei für …

5 Practical tips to conduct interviews for remote jobs

Since COVID-19 is forcing people to work from home, there are numerous changes that both the company and employees have to experience. Including remote interviews. For a company, the interviews are as important as they are for the employees. So, you both need to “convince” …

Asking Digital Nomads Why They Don’t Get a Real Job ?

You might think that in 2021 working remotely is nothing out of the ordinary anymore.  Nevertheless, people living a digital nomad life often encounter many misunderstandings when transiting to the still somewhat unconventional way of life.  Most people separate work and travel. They work full-time to save up money to go on a vacation (or…

The CBD Oil Experience (Interview)

Welcome back! After my previous post about the different CBD products, it is time to learn about CBD oil from the perspective of a user. Read the following interview to find out more about it! * this interview is anonymous for confidential reasons, after the …

Digital Detox – ein Erfahrungsbericht

Digitale Medien und Geräte sind in der heutigen Zeit kaum mehr wegzudenken. Jugendliche verbingen bis zu vier Stunden pro Tag am Handy. Doch was machen solche digitalen Medien und Smartphones mit uns? Milena* und ihr Freund sind dieser Frage nachgegangen und haben zwei Wochen auf …

Prepare Yourself for Your Job Interview in Switzerland

In Switzerland, a foreigner needs to write about 30 percent more applications than a Swiss to land a job interview, a recently published study by the Swiss National Science Foundation shows. So foreigners get to read the sentence “We are sorry to inform you that…” – way more often. This can be …

Top Street Styles from Micro-Fashion Influencers

Scrolling your Instagram feed you perhaps noticed that accounts with millions followers are getting less engagement than thousands of micro- influencers who are making a substantial effect on their niche. Since you have heard a lot about them on my blogs, I have seen that …

Study Abroad Show – Season Finale

Welcome to the Season Finale of the Study Abroad Show, Thank you all for reading during the last couple of weeks, for the last episode I have put together a little behind the scenes video of all the interviews I did for the show. Unfortunately, …