Hiking community: myth or reality?

Have you ever thought about starting an activity while being a member of a group? Or do you prefer to travel on your own? Even though both options have their pros and cons, in this post I will tell you about the advantages of joining …

5 types of Tequila?

Hola and welcome to our new Tequila post. So far, we got an introduction to our favorite spirit and on my previous post we learned about its elaboration process. Now, Tequila is one of a kind. Yet, it can also be categorized depending on certain characteristics. …

Ultimate Guide to Colour: from A to Z

Colour is the core of all marketing materials you create in your brand. Starting from the post on social media, company presentation, website, logotype, it is crucial to understand how to find the colour that will look consistent and be in harmony with all parts …

6 Dinge, um Dein Mindset zu verbessern

In diesem Beitrag möchte ich Dir 6 einfache Dinge aufzeigen, damit Du Dein Mindest verbessern kannst. Diese kleinen Dinge kannst Du alle relativ einfach in Deinen Alltag integrieren und umsetzen. Falls Du meine vorherigen Blogposts noch nicht gelesen hast, findest Du meinen ersten Blogpost hier …

Natürliche Proteinquellen – meine 5 Favoriten im Alltag

Im letzten Post hast du sicherlich bemerkt, dass man sogar als Mischköstler sehr oft pflanzlich basierte Kohlenhydrat- und Fettquellen konsumiert. Es ist also bei einer Umstellung auf eine vegane Ernährung nicht mal notwendig, dass du diese Lebensmittel durch Andere ersetzen müsstest. Bei den Proteinquellen sieht …

10 Gadgets for the Homeoffice: some indispensable some nice-to-have

You have already seen the advantages and disadvantages of working from home in the previous blog post. However, in order to work efficiently, remain in good health, and have a comfortable environment, some equipment is needed. And that’s exactly what we’re focusing on in this blog post: five essential items and five extra convenient features…