Insight into the clothing international trade Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog. Today, I would like to show the international trade of clothing with you from the perspective of international traders. As an end-customer, we can only see the branded apparel hanging in the beautiful shop window like the above …

Give your dress a second life!

Clothes often do not end up where we expect them to. Handing clothes over to second-hand shops or selling them at a flea market are good ways to reduce textile waste. Consider a few points and you are ready to give your clothes a new …

Where to buy second-hand fashion?

This blog post lists a selection of second-hand shops in Switzerland. The Corona lockdown should not stop you from buying second-hand fashion. Therefore, the list below also includes some great online shops. Last week I wrote about second-hand fashion, my favorite way of sustainable shopping. …

Second-hand fashion is a growing trend

The sale of second-hand fashion is an emerging business. It is also a sustainable way to buy clothes, as it helps to reduce pollution by giving clothes a second life instead of dumping them in a landfill. Hey and welcome back to my blog! For …