Thrive 5×5

There still are a few poems in the pipeline. I collected them whilst I was upgrading on the audio. With this one, I want you to become active. Can you figure out what ‘5×5’ stands for? Let me know in the comment section below. Enjoy! …

Audioblog – my New Old Blog Post!

Hi there! I’m happy to share my latest experiment. Who reads long blog posts anymore? Plenty of people do, plenty don’t. I want to serve both of you! That’s why I will henceforth make all written content available on audio as well. I am happy …

The Pre-Entrepreneur #1 Tom Bliss

I have the pleasure of hosting Tom on the first episode of the Pre-Entrepreneu Podcast. We talk about the entrepreneurial activities that are his past and present. This is a reminder to act on your dreams and to face the changes that inevitably come your …

Feed the Black Box to Create Opportunities   This is the story of how I got to join the ‘Dream Team’ of the World Innovations Forum. It’s also an explanation of what I learned from a few years of struggling to find what I call ‘touch with reality’. The insights I …

The Pre-Entrepreneur #Pilot

Introducing your podcast? You may think: “been there, done that.” I don’t. Been there, doing it again! Enjoy the pilot episode of the Pre-Entrepreneur podcast (for the second time). This time, it’s going public, though.        

Make Your Idea Happen

We are masters of lying to ourselves when it comes to making our dreams happen. Most everybody has an aspiration or an idea that is not directly tangent to the professional path they chose. How often do we make them happen? Even the ones we …

Rotate the Lie

This is a 13-verse poem written to make you think, to overstrain your kama-manas. It’s about internal change. Read it here or listen below. Have fun.   Source header image: