Sharing Inspiration. Cultural Diversity. Part 1

Russia is a country with great cultural diversity. There are living over 190 nations including small and autochthonous nations. Their culture is magnificent and full of inspiring moments. Today I would like to introduce a few of them. ☆Buryats☆ The Buryats, a Mongolian people comprise …

Dopamine Dressing – Entdecke Mode in deinen Tönen

Entdecke Mode in deinen Tönen – Welcher Farbtyp bist du? Viele Frauen tun sich oftmals schwer, wenn es um die richtige Auswahl von Farben, geschweige denn Farbtönen geht. Welche Farben stehen mir und welche Farben sollten lieber unberührt bleiben? In diesem Blogbeitrag erfährst du mehr …

Sharing Inspiration. Russian Ballet. Part 5

Today I would like to share my personal story in connection with the Russian Ballet. It is the final part of the Russian Ballet topic. Let’s go to the next! How did you like the post?  SURVEY   More inspiration you can find on …

Sharing Inspiration. Russian Ballet. Part 4

Today is the time for relaxation and curiosity. Let’s have a look at modern ballerinas in ASMR format. Ballerina’s preparation. About 1 min a short video, directed by James Bort.   What does the modern ballerina have in her ballet bag? 30 min video …

Sharing Inspiration. Russian Ballet. Part 3

The most famous love story in Russian Ballet and Imperial court. And the star of this story is the Prima ballerina of the Saint Petersburg Imperial Theatres Mathilda Kschessinskaya. Mathilda-Marie Feliksovna Kschessinskaya, performed at the Imperial Mariinsky Theatre of Saint Petersburg with the renowned Imperial …

Sharing Inspiration. Russian Ballet. Part 1

The story of the Russian Ballet. With over 500 years of history behind it, ballet has seen quite an evolution from its beginnings. Ballet started life as a courtly performance, evolving into the spectacular art we know today. We have looked at queens and kings …