Do you still think that we can’t kill people who ruin the background?
Hell yeah, you can! Who’s going to stop you? Law, your mom or maybe your boyfriend?
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Hell yeah, you can! Who’s going to stop you? Law, your mom or maybe your boyfriend?
In this post I mean not blurry – the bad quality or whatever picture, but how to blur the background or maybe foreground on your picture. Haven’t you noticed that sometimes we take exactly the same pictures as popular bloggers/photographers, but in the end, they’re …
From a second round pick, to mental illness and alcohol addiction, to nomination for the best goalie in the league. This is the story of Robin Lehner.
Es ist soweit – ich habe meinen ersten Podcast aufgenommen… In meinem ersten Blogpost habt ihr ja bereits erfahren, warum ich so gerne male und zeichne. Nun erzähle ich euch in Audio-Format etwas mehr über mich und welche Rolle das Zeichnen und Malen in meinem …
PHH well now that the music is licenced! BREW READY? Then Click below to play! Here is the First Vlog “How to make copyright thieves work for you” The copyright radar might help you find the thieves that could be working for you!
In today’s hockey sport you can see the craziest designs on goalie masks. From simple, clean drawings to lifelike works of art. But how do you turn a white helmet into such a masterpiece?
Hello again, What do we see when we take a quick look at the world of Mobility? What are the main actors? How much movement is there in one day?
Last time I described the characteristics of knitting and crochet. This time I thought I would tell you which one I like most, which method I use for what. Knitting I learned how to knit first. Crochet came afterwards. My mum taught me how to …
Du sitzt an deinem Schreibtisch vor einem weissen Blatt Papier, mit einem Stift in der Hand und weisst nicht recht, was du jetzt damit anfangen sollst. Du hast (bestenfalls) Ideen in deinem Kopf, aber bringst sie einfach nicht aufs Papier? Oder zumindest nicht so, wie …
At the moment, there’re tones of applications on AppStore/GooglePlay which can help you to edit pictures. However, there’re just several apps which won’t damage the quality of your lovely picture. Myself, on a daily base I use about 15 applications. There’s something for adding text, …