The internal journey of a doer

Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.  – Winston Churchill   The journey to new beginnings is not an easy step but it’s for sure a step from good to great. That’s how I see it and it’s how my …

Will Millenials and Gen Z embrace this?

Let us all be real here. You are probably not going to read the entire article, but what if I told you that you that you will miss out on the next big “thing” on the digital world? Scroll on now. With the COVID-19 pandemic, the usage of digital media has immensely increased for the…

Sustainable Fashion

Fashion is more than clothing it is a lifestyle for some, exclusively me, as an author of this blog. Although, clothing assists with expression of personality and individuality; means of social communication; cultural meaning; economic status and of course enhancement of the person. Upon a …

What is digital minimalism?

For now this will be my last blogpost of the minimalism blog series. However, I want to wrap it up with an important topic about digital detox. The time wasted on mobile devices is increasing year by year. On average an US adult is spending …

Top Street Styles from Micro-Fashion Influencers

Scrolling your Instagram feed you perhaps noticed that accounts with millions followers are getting less engagement than thousands of micro- influencers who are making a substantial effect on their niche. Since you have heard a lot about them on my blogs, I have seen that …

The newest social hack – Instagram Pods

In my previous blog post I was talking about Errors- in our case bots, so in this post I am going to introduce you to the newest Instagram hack entitled as Pods. And, we have already seen that building organic followers is not that easy …

Campagne d’influence BCV X JOJ2020 – interview

Bonjour à tous ! Pour ce dernier article de ma série sur le marketing d’influence, je voulais vraiment avoir le retour d’expérience d’une entreprise de suisse romande. C’est chose faite car j’ai eu la chance d’interviewer Laetitia Schaller, Community Manager à la BCV. Vous trouverez ci-dessous, …

Instagram Errors- Fake Engagement

As I always mention on my blog posts that today “influencers” on social media are closer to celebrities or starts of reality shows, they have become tremendously admired and inspired from their audience. The fashion industry has thrived like no other B2C industry on Instagram …